The Eternal Fleet was entirely composed of hundreds of warships of this class, which operated in precise patterns and were able to execute devastating combined attacks. Destroy one of the vessels in the pattern as it was charging, and every vessel would explode, in the process destroying anything caught in the blast radius.
The warships, approximately the length of an Imperial Terminus-class destroyer, were highly advanced starships that were operated by sentient droids. They were faster than any other starship in the cosmos and were equipped with cloaking technology.The only vessels capable of outrunning them were those retrofitted to use Isotope-5. Neither the ships of the Sith Empire nor those of the Republic were able to compete with them in battle.
The ships could deploy starfighters and were equipped with drop ships that could operate in both space and in an atmosphere. Skytrooper boarding pods were used to penetrate an enemy vessel's hull, permitting the Skytroopers to inflict damage throughout the interior of targeted ship.