Farside Sea

Farside Sea was an ocean on the planet Ferrix. In 5 BBY, the Ferrixians Brasso, Bix Caleen, Jezzi, and Wilmon Paak and the B2 groundmech salvage assist unit B2EMO sought to escape Ferrix as they were on the run from Imperial authorities due to their involvement in the Rix Road riot. Their fellow Ferrixian fugitive Cassian Andor instructed Jezzi to pilot their Breon Dayvan ship low until they got to Farside Sea and then ascend on the way to Gangi Moon, where they hoped to hide.

Farside Sea was mentioned in "Rix Road," the twelfth episode of the first season of the Disney+ television series Andor, which aired on November 23, 2022.

Behind the scenes

Farside Sea was mentioned in "Rix Road," the twelfth episode of the first season of the Disney+ television series Andor, which aired on November 23, 2022.



