Glarus Lagoons

The Glarus Lagoons, also referred to as the Glarus lagoon, were located in a balmy region of the Core Worlds planet Alderaan. The lagoons featured several swimming areas and were home to sea life. By the time of the Imperial Era, the Glarus Lagoons had become known for their spectacular scenery, romantic atmosphere, and sunshine.

In 3 BBY, the Apprentice Legislator Kier Domadi suggested visiting the Glarus Lagoons to his peer, the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa. As Organa considered the proposition, she noticed Domadi's nervous demeanor after asking her. When the princess agreed that she would enjoy a trip to the lagoons with him, Domadi smiled. The Glarus Lagoons had been destroyed at some point by 0 BBY when the rest of Alderaan was annihilated by the Galactic Empire's Death Star battle station.

The Glarus Lagoons were mentioned in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray. The Glarus Lagoons partially share their name with both the Glarus Valley and the Glarus Bridges, two locations on Alderaan that were introduced to the Star Wars Legends continuity in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Behind the scenes

The Glarus Lagoons were mentioned in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray. The Glarus Lagoons partially share their name with both the Glarus Valley and the Glarus Bridges, two locations on Alderaan that were introduced to the Star Wars Legends continuity in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.






