Grelli Cryko


Grelli Cryko was a Melitto from the planet Li-Toran who spent time on the desert planet Tatooine during the reign of the Galactic Empire. In 9 BBY, Cryko was seated at a table with a drink in a saloon in Mos Eisley spaceport when three Imperial Inquisitors entered the establishment. The Melitto stayed seated while the leader of the trio, the Grand Inquisitor, questioned the saloon owner about rumors of a Jedi hiding in the building.

Grelli Cryko encountered the Grand Inquisitor on Tatooine.

Grelli Cryko encountered the Grand Inquisitor on Tatooine.

The Inquisitor known as the Third Sister then threw a knife at the owner, forcing the Jedi fugitive Nari to reveal himself among the patrons when he used the Force to stop the weapon in mid-air. Having found their quarry, the Inquisitors closed in, but after the Grand Inquisitor stopped the Third Sister from executing Nari, the Jedi fled from the saloon and the Imperials gave chase, leaving Cryko and the others in their seats. Cryko later walked past the Jedi-in-hiding Obi-Wan Kenobi while carrying a container outside a checkpoint at Mos Eisley spaceport.

Personality and traits

As a cold-blooded Melitto, Cryko loved Tatooine's hot desert climes. They had green, yellow, and tan plating.


While in Mos Eisley, Cryko wore a gray hooded jacket with a yellow chestpiece and black gloves. Tubes ran from the chestpiece to Cryko's face and the chestpiece had two white cylinders mounted on the back. When passing Kenobi, the Melitto carried a flat, gray case.

Behind the scenes

Grelli Cryko appeared in the first episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, which aired on May 26, 2022. The character was not identified in the series but received a name on a card in the 2023 Topps Disney Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi set released by The Topps Company, Inc. in 2023.


  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi's Return






