It was later recovered, and Gunn volunteered to take the Galactic Republic clone trooper Breakout Squad to Coruscant. En route, they were contacted by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and asked to meet with a Chiss representative on Defense Force Station Ifpe'a. Fleeing a Techno Union attack, they were caught by a black hole. The ship later escaped using an ancient Star Temple.
They were contacted again by Chancellor Palpatine and asked to divert to Vaced. On the planet, the Jedi Nuru Kungurama fought a Death Watch assassin, and the Hasty Harpy was hit by a missile launched from the assassin's starship and crashed, forcing Gunn to stay on Vaced and search for a new ship.
The Hasty Harpy appears in Ryder Windham's Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions book series.
The Hasty Harpy appears in Ryder Windham's Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions book series.