"Joh Blastoh" appears in The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, released on Disney+ in 2020. The Keeper of the Holocron, Leland Chee, wrote the song for the holiday special. Chee stated that his contribution might become the personal highlight of his career, and provided the lyrics to the song on Twitter on the same day as the special's release. The whole of the song was released on December 21 of the same year on a video published by the official Star Wars YouTube channel, which provides accompanying lyrics. The 2021 reference book Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook, written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, introduces into the canon continuity the song and the lyrics.
"Joh Blastoh" appears in The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, released on Disney+ in 2020. The Keeper of the Holocron, Leland Chee, wrote the song for the holiday special. Chee stated that his contribution might become the personal highlight of his career, and provided the lyrics to the song on Twitter on the same day as the special's release. The whole of the song was released on December 21 of the same year on a video published by the official Star Wars YouTube channel, which provides accompanying lyrics. The 2021 reference book Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook, written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, introduces into the canon continuity the song and the lyrics.
- Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook