Luleo Primoc

Luleo Primoc was a musician who gave a performance on the First Light in the year 10 BBY. This diminutive Gallusian achieved fame as a singer, topping the charts with popular songs like "Your Love is Gravy" and "Carve Your Name in My Heart" during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He also gained recognition for his roles in a series of holomovies, where he sported a stylish humanoid exo-suit. When he took the stage on the First Light, his performances were delivered from within a formaldehyde-filled flask equipped with a repulsorlift, and he shared the spotlight with the celebrated recording artist Aurodia Ventafoli. In the months following the Clone War, an advertisement featuring both Primoc and Ventafoli was displayed on a rotating video billboard located at the Safa Toma Speedway on Safa Toma. Despite being past his peak, Primoc remained a beloved figure among retro-collectors and enthusiasts. At one point in his career, Primoc also recorded his own rendition of the well-known Huttese holiday tune, "Joh Blastoh."

Behind the scenes

Luleo Primoc made his debut in the 2018 motion picture Solo: A Star Wars Story, with his name being officially confirmed in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The name Primoc represents a tuckerization of the name Louis Prima. Hidalgo expressed his satisfaction that the higher-pitched voice used during production was ultimately made deeper for the film's final version. Initially, Prima sang the song "Chicken in the Pot" using lyrics that composer John Powell discovered online; however, a linguist then translated the lyrics into another language, and Prima subsequently re-recorded the track. In the final version of the film, Primoc's performance was rendered with a lower pitch by a different vocalist at the request of director Ron Howard. John Powell mentioned that early conceptual artwork portrayed Primoc's character as resembling a chicken-like being.

