Keth (Twi'lek)

A Twi'lek male, Keth was one of many Pilgrims who followed Matriarch Kolovish to the planet Tython in the aftermath of the Great Galactic War and the enslavement of Ryloth by the Hutt Cartels. Assisting in the establishment of Kalikori village, Keth was an advocate for Nalen Raloch and considered him a great hero of the village, defending the pilgrims from the Flesh Raiders. Keth and Allia aided Raloch in his hunt for the Fount of Rajivari, but eventually realized that Raloch himself had been corrupted by the knowledge he was seeking.


A Twi'lek male, Keth was one of many Pilgrims who followed Matriarch Kolovish to the planet Tython in the aftermath of the Great Galactic War and the enslavement of Ryloth by the Hutt Cartels. Assisting in the establishment of Kalikori village, Keth was an advocate for Nalen Raloch and considered him a great hero of the village, defending the pilgrims from the Flesh Raiders. Keth and Allia aided Raloch in his hunt for the Fount of Rajivari, but eventually realized that Raloch himself had been corrupted by the knowledge he was seeking.



