Nalen Raloch

Nalen Raloch, a Twi'lek male strong in the Force, established himself among the community of Pilgrims on Tython following the Great Galactic War. The other Pilgrims held him in high esteem, considering him a great hero. However, succumbing to the dark side corrupted his mind, placing him under the sway of knowledge from the fallen Jedi known as Rajivari. Ultimately, he attempted to bring about the destruction of the Jedi on Tython, but a Jedi Padawan thwarted his efforts.


During the time of the Great Galactic War, Raloch and his fellow Pilgrims were compelled to abandon their ancestral homes on Ryloth and journey to the planet of Tython. There, they intended to find peace and avoid involvement in the widespread galactic conflict. Because of his innate connection to the Force, Nalen was given the chance to go to the Jedi Order for training, but he refused since he didn't want to be taken away from his home. After the Pilgrims discovered an ideal location to establish their settlement on Tython, they formed a relationship with the Jedi, who had relocated there after their Temple on Coruscant was destroyed. However, because the Republic deemed their settlement illegitimate, the Jedi were prohibited from providing any assistance, despite the Pilgrims' struggles. This led to feelings of resentment, which Nalen shared. The situation worsened as they were forced to defend themselves against the dangers of Tython, especially the savage Flesh Raiders. It was during this time that Raloch demonstrated his extraordinary combat skills and Force abilities, earning him recognition as a great hero who had sworn to defend the village at all costs. One day, during the Festival of Awakening, he discovered an ancient Jedi holocron belonging to the fallen Jedi Rajivari, from whom he received a basic understanding of the Force. He learned of Rajivari's vast knowledge and embarked on a quest to uncover its source. His dedication to protecting the village and his loved ones made him vulnerable to the dark side under Rajivari's influence. As Nalen embraced the dark side, he became increasingly aggressive and obsessed with gaining power. Eventually, Nalen achieved his goal by discovering the Fount of Rajivari, the fallen master's hidden laboratory. There, he was confronted by a young Padawan of Jedi Master Yuon Par, who noticed the Twi'lek's troubling condition. With the Jedi pursuing him, Nalen used his growing dark side abilities to deceive them. On one occasion, Nalen disguised himself as Master Yuon to get the exact location from Qyzen Fess.

Despite gaining a head start on the Jedi, Nalen proved to be an unsatisfactory student of Rajivari's teachings. The Fount was protected by trials that required an understanding of Rajivari's principles. Instead of solving the puzzles and illusions, Nalen forced his way into the inner sanctum. In the main chamber, he encountered Rajivari's spirit and his invention: a device capable of transferring decades of knowledge and experience into a single person. Desiring wisdom, Nalen used the device on himself. Sadly, Raloch's mind shattered, and to Rajivari's dismay, Raloch resolved to destroy the Jedi on Tython as revenge for abandoning the Pilgrims to the Flesh Raiders. His first target was the Forge, where the Order's lightsabers were created.

Soon after, Raloch and his Twi'lek followers arrived at the Forge, only to find his rival waiting with a green lightsaber. Urged by Master Rajivari to prevent Raloch from destroying the Jedi Order and himself, the young Jedi had reached the Forge first and constructed his own lightsaber. As Raloch and the apprentice faced each other, Raloch accused the Jedi of hoarding Rajivari's knowledge while ignoring his people's suffering. The Consular gently countered that his cause was lost to the people he claimed to protect. Enraged by his peers' disapproval, Raloch engaged the Jedi in a duel with his vibrosword. Raloch initially had the advantage, but the Padawan disarmed the Dark Pilgrim and defeated him. Kneeling in agony, Nalen challenged the Padawan to kill him in front of the people who honored him as a hero. The Padawan spared him and took the wounded Twi'lek to the temple for healing. The Jedi Council debated what to do with him, but the Padawan suggested that Nalen become a Jedi and embrace the light side.

Despite this, Nalen recovered from his injuries and was visited by Bashenn and Matriarch Kolovish. Still confused by his own actions, Nalen thanked the Consular for sparing his life by sending a hololetter, not before commenting on his former enemy's riposte.

Personality and traits

Little is known about Nalen's life before he became a hero, renowned for his skills and bravery against the Flesh Raiders. However, his fellow villagers noted that he became more withdrawn and secretive after encountering Rajivari's hologram. It is worth noting that his primary goal was to protect his village and his friends, who responded by rallying to his cause at the Forge, demonstrating a strong bond.

However, his noble intentions were twisted by the Dark side, transforming them into fear and obsession. He embarked on a dangerous quest to obtain Rajivari's knowledge of the Force, disregarding the Jedi's legacy and the risks to himself. Even Rajivari himself condemned Nalen's thirst for power.

His redemption came unexpectedly from his pursuer, the Padawan who raced him to the Fount of Rajivari. Recognizing Nalen's disturbed speech and actions, the Padawan realized that Nalen was more confused than corrupted and resolved the situation with both strength and compassion. He defeated Nalen and provided him with care at the Jedi temple. The recovered Nalen realized that he had neglected simple things like food and was able to write a small hololetter to thank the amnesty.

Nalen Raloch spent much of his time alone. Although he did not enjoy festivals, he participated in the Waker's Dance with his people in 3644 BBY.

Powers and abilities

Nalen was a highly skilled warrior, earning him heroic status among his people. He demonstrated great power by collapsing a large cave using telekinesis. He was also able to capture the skilled Trandoshan hunter Qyzen Fess by mind tricking him into believing that Nalen was the Trandoshan's old friend, Jedi Master [Yuon Par](/article/yuon_par], and then catching him off guard. However, these abilities were insufficient to resist Rajivari's trap at the Fount of Rajivari, and although he survived, his mind was severely damaged.

Behind the scenes

The player can choose to either kill Nalen Raloch for dark side points or capture him for light side points. Additionally, the Jedi Consular can inform Allia (or Henni, depending on whether they killed the former) and Keth that they will allow the Jedi Council to decide his fate, which grants no alignment points. As the player character is aligned with the Republic, this article assumes that the player chose the light-side option.

