During the Dark Nest Crisis, Meewalh successfully defended the Millennium Falcon from two Fefze assassins. By this time, she and Cakhmaim were also extremely reliable as gunners for the Falcon's quad laser cannons.
Meewalh met her end during the Second Galactic Civil War during the attempted coup of Queen Mother Tenel Ka at Hapes. Believing his parents to be responsible for betraying the Galactic Alliance and for taking part in the assassination plot against Tenel Ka, Colonel Jacen Solo ordered his best gunnery team aboard the Anakin Solo to destroy the Falcon.
As the Falcon moved in to rescue Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, Zekk, and a Twi'lek Galactic Alliance Guard soldier named Sorzo, it was nearly ripped apart by the turbolaser blasts. Both quad laser cannons were blown apart, incinerating both Cakhmaim and Meewalh to the point that there were no remains left to bury.