
Montrus was a male individual who lived during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


The Gungan monument where Montrus was hidding before his death.

The Gungan monument where Montrus was hidding before his death.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Montrus was a business partner of Borvo, a Hutt crime lord who was based on the planet Naboo. However, they eventually stopped working together. Circa 5 BBY, he introduced Niksel Frangee to the Hutt and Frangee subsequently joined Borvo's organization. Frangee was in fact an infiltrated agent of the Corellian Security Force.

Six years later, in 1 ABY, Niksel Frangee was identified as a CorSec detective and assassinated by Borvo's henchmen.. Borvo suspected that Montrus was aware of Frangee's true identity and hired a spacer to assassinate him. The spacer tracked down Montrus to a Gungan monument in the Paitnnu Wetlands, near the site of an Imperial vs. Gungan Battle, and killed him.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depictions of Montrus

Every possible depictions of Montrus

Montrus was a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Because Montrus spawned under the generic "borvo_montrus" template, his appearance was randomized under one of thirty-five possible depictions. However, the scenario clearly identified him as male.

Borvo's ex-business partner was present in the original release of the game, being part of Borvo the Hutt's questline. With the release of the "Publish 25," a.k.a. the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005, Borvo the Hutt's questline was revamped. While the gameplay of the questline was extensively upgraded, the storyline remained similar. Borvo's ex-business partner was given the name Montrus in the updated questline.







