Nol Corovani, callsign Monarch, was a major in the Republic Army and commanding officer of Eclipse Squad, a Republic Special Forces Division squad created during the Galactic War. Along with his squad, he was implanted with experimental Rakata cybernetics from a destroyed Revanite lab on Manaan.
After Havoc Squad hunted down and destroyed the rest of his squad, they then confronted Corovani in the jungles of Rishi. Unlike the rest of the squad, who identified Havoc as Revanite traitors, he recognized both Havoc's commander and General Elin Garza, and told them that he knew what his squad had done at Fort Klemark on Altair 9, killing two hundred Republic soldiers. He then asked Havoc Squad to "free what's left of me" from the "nightmare" caused by the implants, just as they had his squadmates; Havoc carried out his request.