A patrol ship, also referred to as a patrol boat or patrol craft, was a type of warship used chiefly to patrol an area. The experimental Galactic Republic IPV-2C Stealth Corvette, the Auzituck anti-slaver gunship, and the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft were all classified as such. The Chiss Ascendancy had a class of patrol ship. The Zyzek System Defense also employed patrol ships.
- No Disintegrations
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- Star Wars: The Rebel Files
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 50
- Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack
- Starships and Speeders
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian Handbook
- Under The Helmet: The Legacy Of Boba Fett
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