Rhigar, also known as Rhigal, was a terrestrial planet of the Chiss Ascendancy that was affiliated with the Clarr family. The Kilji war cruiser Whetstone, commanded by Generalirius Nakirre, arrived above Rhigar, bringing a supposed warning from "Jixtus," who was traveling aboard the starship. Jixtus, claiming to be an information broker, requested to pass on a warning to the Clarr family Patriarch, Rivlex, while communicating with Captain Clarr'os'culry "Roscu," who instead asked that he provide her with the information. When Jixtus suggested that the danger to the Ascendancy was from within, asking that he be allowed to land on Rhigar, Roscu instead agreed to board the Whetstone in order to speak more securely.
It was defended by the Clarr family homestead defense force and a System Patrol. The forces defending the planet were at least three Clarr destroyers, two Chiss frigates, and several Chiss patrol ships. Close to the planet Rhigar was an asteroid belt in which part of the Grysk war fleet hid, after Jixtus had stroke a deal with Rivlex, promising him that the fleet would be at his command if he needed it.