The Sabracci Sages were a group of Force-sensitive Zeffonians that operated by the High Republic Era. Their teachings included the ability to stand on a vertical surface without falling. A collection was also maintained on the Mid Rim moon Jedha, which had been visited by the Jedi Padawan Matthea Cathley. Padawan Klias Teradine was taught the teachings of the Sabracci Sages and used it to save fellow Padawan Tylera Yorrick while scaling a mountain.
By 382 BBY, Jedi Padawan Matthea Cathley visited a Sabracci collection on the Mid Rim Territories moon Jedha. By 241 BBY, Padawan Klias Teradine asked questions and was subsequently shown the teachings of the Sabracci Sages by Jedi Master Illaga. In 241 BBY, Teradine discovered that a sanctum of the Yallow Fellowship, a group of long-dead Dark side users, was located at Mount Bikja on the Mid Rim moon Alaris Prime. He successfully convinced fellow Padawan Tylera Yorrick to explore the sanctum. While scaling up a mountain, he saved Yorrick by standing on a vertical surface without falling. In awe, Yorrick questioned Teradine who revealed how he learned the technique.
The Sabracci Sages were mentioned in a flashback in the second issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures — The Monster of Temple Peak comic miniseries written by Cavan Scott and published by IDW Publishing as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I. The comic was released on September 15, 2021.