Skirmish at The Home

A skirmish took place at an asteroid known as The Home in 40 ABY. The Dark Jedi Alema Rar was chased to The Home by her pursuers, the Alema Rar Task Force, composed of Jagged Fel, Jaina Solo, and Zekk. After the ensuing fight, Fel broke Rar's neck with Mandalorian crushgaunts and killed her.

During the Battle of the rendezvous point, Han Solo, Leia, Jaina, Zekk and Jag, boarded the Anakin Solo, after Leia convinced her son, Jacen, who unknown to her now calls himself Darth Caedus, to let her board the Anakin Solo, thinking she was alone on the Love Commander. While Leia was escorted to the Command Salon to meet her son, the others were hiding in the secret compartments on the Love Commander


During the Battle of the rendezvous point, Han Solo, Leia, Jaina, Zekk and Jag, boarded the Anakin Solo, after Leia convinced her son, Jacen, who unknown to her now calls himself Darth Caedus, to let her board the Anakin Solo, thinking she was alone on the Love Commander. While Leia was escorted to the Command Salon to meet her son, the others were hiding in the secret compartments on the Love Commander



