Teeyr Hem, also known as Lady Hem was a Phindian female who was the wife of Senator Hem. In 15 BBY, Teeyr Hem met with Arihnda Pryce, who bought the Phindian a bottle of four-blend wine, after receiving the bottle, Pryce asked Lady Hem for her sympathy to the goals of Higher Skies, an advocacy group, then, Hem informed Pryce that the organization's goals were similar to her's and her husband's, and also informed her that her husband agreed with Pryce's agenda and plans, however, she would still speak to him about the topic that night. Afterward, Hem bid farewell to her "good friend," who left. Lady Hem had long and thin fingers.
Teeyr Hem appeared in the 2017 novel Thrawn, the first volume in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: Thrawn novel series.
Teeyr Hem appeared in the 2017 novel Thrawn, the first volume in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: Thrawn novel series.