A male member of the Voss species served as the Emperor's Voice, the host of the Sith Emperor's essence, during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. The Voice was a Voss Mystic, a Force-user who possessed powerful prophetic abilities, and it was because of his species's abilities that the Emperor ordered the Mystic's kidnapping from his homeworld of Voss several years before 3640 BBY,. The Voss served as the Emperor's host body for the next several years as the Sith ruler used the Mystic's powers to determine the future, but the Sith Lord Darth Baras was able to trap the Emperor and his host in the ruins known as the Dark Heart as part of his plot to usurp the role of the Emperor's Voice. Trapped within his host, who himself was unable to leave the Dark Heart because of the building's strange powers, the Emperor was forced to fight the dark side entity Sel-Makor for control of the Voice, and it was not until the arrival of the newly-appointed Emperor's Wrath that the Emperor was able to kill his Voice and thereby free his immortal essence.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia