Unidentified Pa'lowick bartender

A Pa'lowick bartender worked at Club Silhouette on the planet Hosnian Prime. Between around 8 BBY and 2 BBY, Marshal Buck Vancto traveled to the club in search of information on the Snivvian male criminal Brox Anthar. As the marshal approached the bar, the bartender asked what they could get him, to which Vancto responded with information and put down a badge which identified them as a corporate lawmen. The Pa'lowick then informed the marshal that they didn't get many corporate lawmen and asked the marshals name. The marshal provided their name, Buck Vancto, and pulled out a holopuck which displayed a hologram of their target. Vancto asked the bartender if they knew where he could be found, and added that if the Pa'lowick said yes, they would harass the criminal instead of them. Sometime later, Vancto captured Anthar.



