Unnamed medic (Ward 114)

An unnamed medic who served on the Rebel hospital ship Mercy; assigned to the special Ward 114.


This male doctor joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. By 5 ABY he served on the hospital ship Mercy, specifically the special Ward 114 reserved for SpecOps and Intelligence agents who deserved high-priority medical treatment. Because of his capacity, he maintained some certain security measures like checking everyone's I.D. card on his reader.

In that year, he received a patient from SpecOps. While he would deserve high priority treatment, his files were "borderline priority" because of his questionable past; he was told that he was affiliated with the Galactic Empire, and therefore would rather deserve more primitive treatment in the lower decks. Furthermore, his log has no mission statement, meaning that he was not in assignment when he was wounded. Despite these details, he decided to treat him in a bacta tank, hoping he did the right thing, even though many patients waited in line: the Mercy was receiving casualties from Shackel.

About twelve hours later, he was updating some charts for Lieutenant Commander Nidifer when a woman entered requiring to see Kyle Katarn; the medic promptly asked for her I.D. and seeing that she was agent Jan Ors, he pointed towards the hatch where Bacta tank 23 was, saying that he would be out later that day. He pointed out that he was alive thanks to whoever brought him just in time, otherwise he would not survive his injury. Upon Ors saying that she did it, he said that the patient should owe his life to her. He also expressed his doubts about the patient, mentioning the bizarre details in his profile; Ors ensured him that Katarn did a lot about the Alliance, and (lied that) he was in an unofficial mission undercover, explaining the empty mission statement. A few minutes later he watched her leaving the ward in haste, and returned to his work.

Indeed, Katarn was soon released from the tank and put on a medical bed. Unknown to everyone, Katarn experienced a vision, and was mumbling. The doctor saw that he was coming out of the coma, and thinking that SpecOps would like to be informed, he ordered to alert the Commander.

Personality and traits

The medic was balding and a bit overweight; when Jan Ors met him he looked tired from doing the job assigned by Nidifer.

Because of his position in the special Ward 114 he frequently encountered spies whom he considered jumpy, and was careful when having to do with one, being prompt and keeping a neutral voice. He considered himself an expert in recognising one, from their overall style, expression and attire.

He felt lonely and thought of his patients more fortunate than him in that matter; he believed that in case he should be in their place nobody would cry over him.

Behind the scenes

In the Dark Forces: Rebel Agent audio drama Jeff Gadbois is credited as "Doctor".



