Ward 114

Kyle Katarn is shown recuperating from his wounds within Ward 114. Ward 114 was a medical unit situated on the hospital ship known as the Mercy. This ward specifically catered to members from the Rebel Alliance's SpecOps and Intelligence divisions, in addition to agents who warranted immediate and critical medical attention. The ward's specialized function was not advertised or made obvious externally.

Access to the room containing the numbered bacta tanks was gained through a hatch. Typically, these tanks were adorned with the medals earned by their occupants, and a cupboard affixed to each tank held their personal effects. The air within possessed a distinctive, pleasant, and tangy scent. Rooms were furnished with accommodations for two patients, including two beds and two lockers.

During 5 ABY, Kyle Katarn suffered a significant injury on the world of Nar Shaddaa while attempting to secure a mysterious holodisk. Under normal circumstances, Katarn would have been deemed trustworthy enough to receive such care. However, due to his complicated history with the Galactic Empire, he was classified as "borderline priority," suggesting he should receive a lower level of treatment. Despite the ship being overwhelmed with casualties awaiting bacta treatment, the Doctor made the decision to place him in Bacta tank 23.

While the Doctor was overseeing the ward, Jan Ors arrived to check on Kyle's condition. After having her identicard verified, Ors gained entry to the tank room and covertly examined Kyle's belongings, ultimately "borrowing" the holodisk to determine its significance to him.

Subsequently, Kyle was removed from the bacta tank and began his recovery in a medical bed within a shared room. Adjacent to him was an officer whose body was connected to various tubes and a respirator. It was at this point that he experienced a vision from the Force ghost of Qu Rahn. Kyle remained still, giving no indication of being conscious, as he observed his surroundings through barely opened eyes. Some time later, he noticed Jan, who, in a perplexing action, opened his locker and manipulated something within his pocket: she returned the disk she had taken. After she departed, unaware that Kyle was awake, Kyle rose, examined his belongings, and began to get dressed.

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