An unidentified physician who was stationed on the Rebel Alliance's medical frigate known as the Mercy; his post was in the exclusive Ward 114.
This male medical professional became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the era of the Galactic Civil War. By the year 5 ABY, he was serving aboard the hospital ship Mercy, specifically within the confines of Ward 114, a specialized unit reserved for SpecOps and Intelligence operatives in need of urgent and prioritized medical care. Due to the sensitive nature of his role, he adhered to strict security protocols, such as verifying the identification cards of all individuals using his reader.
During that particular year, he admitted a patient from SpecOps. While this individual ostensibly warranted high-priority treatment, his records were deemed "borderline priority" due to his dubious background; information suggested an association with the Galactic Empire, which would typically relegate him to more basic care in the lower sections of the ship. Furthermore, his file lacked a mission assignment, indicating that he was not on active duty when he sustained his injuries. Despite these inconsistencies, the doctor opted to treat him in a bacta tank, hoping that his decision was justified, particularly given the number of other patients awaiting treatment, as the Mercy was inundated with casualties from Shackel.
Approximately twelve standard hours later, while updating charts for Lieutenant Commander Nidifer, he was approached by a woman seeking to visit Kyle Katarn. The doctor promptly requested her identification, and upon confirming that she was agent Jan Ors, he directed her towards the bay containing Bacta tank 23, informing her that Katarn would be released later that day. He emphasized that Katarn's survival was owed to whoever had brought him in time, as his injuries were severe. When Ors revealed that she was responsible, the doctor remarked that Katarn was indebted to her. He also voiced his reservations about the patient, citing the peculiar details in his profile. Ors reassured him, falsely claiming that Katarn had contributed significantly to the Alliance and was on an unacknowledged undercover mission, thus explaining the absence of a mission statement. Shortly thereafter, he observed her departing the ward in haste and resumed his duties.
Subsequently, Katarn was indeed removed from the tank and placed on a medical bed. Unbeknownst to those present, Katarn was experiencing a Force vision and was muttering incoherently. The doctor recognized that Katarn was emerging from his coma and, believing that SpecOps would want to be informed, instructed someone to notify the Commander.
The physician exhibited signs of balding and was somewhat overweight. Jan Ors noted that he appeared fatigued, likely due to the demands of the tasks assigned to him by Nidifer.
His position within the specialized Ward 114 exposed him to frequent encounters with spies, whom he perceived as being on edge. He exercised caution when interacting with them, maintaining a neutral tone and being concise in his communication. He considered himself adept at identifying spies based on their demeanor, expressions, and attire.
He felt a sense of loneliness and regarded his patients as more fortunate than himself in this regard. He lamented that if he were in their position, no one would mourn his passing.
In the Dark Forces: Rebel Agent audio drama, Jeff Gadbois is credited with the role of "Doctor".
- Dark Forces: Rebel Agent / audio drama