The Mercy, a spacecraft of medium size belonging to the Imperial forces, was seized by the Rebel Alliance while still under construction. They then repurposed it into a hospital ship, commencing its service in that role around 5 ABY.
Exceeding two kilometers in length and 250 meters in width, the Mercy had the capacity to house approximately 5000 patients. It contained 4250 bacta tanks, a number that still proved insufficient to handle the vast number of casualties resulting from the Galactic Civil War. Often, the ship was filled to capacity with wounded and potentially dying Rebel soldiers. Ward 114 on the ship was specifically designated for members of Alliance Intelligence and special forces.
Originally under construction for the Galactic Empire, the vessel that would become the Mercy was captured by the Rebel Alliance before its completion. It was then converted into a hospital ship at some point during the Galactic Civil War.
Around 5 ABY, the ship was in orbit around a devastated planet, accompanied by an old Dreadnaught, a pair of Assault frigates, a squadron of Corellian Gun ships, and other support vessels. It was receiving six thousand wounded from the recent Imperial attack on the planet Shackel. Despite its considerable size, the ship was overwhelmed with injured Rebel soldiers. Due to the lack of sufficient bacta tanks, many had to be treated in corridors on makeshift beds, and the crew had to resort to older medical techniques.
Kyle Katarn, having sustained severe injuries on Nar Shaddaa, received treatment in Tank 23 within Ward 114, benefiting from prioritized care because of his status within SpecOps, despite the critical situation. Following his recovery, Kyle and Jan Ors traveled to Sulon in search of the map leading to the Valley of the Jedi.
The ship was part of the fleet positioned at Milagro when a damaged Imperial-class Star Destroyer entered the system accompanied by a convoy of transports. It was defeated by the Rebel Dreadnaught New Hope.
Grenvil Taadus once served as a medical officer on the Mercy.