Uogo'cor suppression


For many years, several pirate gangs fought for control of the Uogo'cor system, a Mid Rim star system strategically located on the Trax Tube, a major shipping lane that crossed the Trax sector. Becoming rich from their raids, the pirates of the Trax Tube were able to afford the construction of elaborate, fully functioning space stations around the gas giants of the Uogo'cor system.

At some point, one pirate gang, the Dark Warbirds, settled on the main planet of the system, Uogo'cor. The harsh world, known for its long, frigid winters and short, but intensely hot summers, hosted a small population of diminutive humanoids, the Uogo, whose name for their planet translated as "home of the suffering ones." The Dark Warbirds settled on Uogo'cor in the belief that a planetary base would be much easier to defend, and started to enslave the native population.

The Dark Warbirds held control of the system for many years, and Uogo'cor became a famous shadowport, selling its services to any ship regardless of registry, history or crew.

The suppression

During the Imperial Period, at some point between 19 BBY and 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire arrived on Uogo'cor and obliterated the Dark Warbirds, along with many of the Uogo.

The Uogo'cor suppression, as well as the Eyttyrmin Batiiv suppression at the Battle of Khuiumin, became excellent examples of pirate-suppressing missions. These operations usually involved elements from superiority forces, such as battle squadrons that contained an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. They could also be carried out by elements from escort forces, such as heavy squadrons.


After the suppression of the Dark Warbirds, Imperial forces remained on Uogo'cor to protect new settlers, while military strategists devised a plan to halt the piracy once and for all in the system.

Some time after the operation, the Rebel Alliance sent several agents to Uogo'cor, hoping to rally the Uogo and the native inhabitants against the Galactic Empire. Alliance operatives also investigated the possibility of starting a privateer fleet in the Uogo'cor system in order to waylay Imperial shipping.

Behind the scenes

The Uogo'cor suppression was first mentioned in Star Wars Gamemaster Kit, a 1991 sourcebook co-written by Bill Smith and Ed Stark, which was published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


  • Star Wars Gamemaster Kit
  • Classic Campaigns
  • Pirates & Privateers
