Vagh Rodiek

Unwilling to simply control them with surge-coral implants, but quite willing to strain the limits of the Shaper caste's protocols, Molou vivisected thousands of Rodians, reassembling the Rodians' genetic code with bits from other creatures, until his experiment resulted in the first Vagh Rodiek emerging from its . These animalistic warbeasts scuttled about on four crab-like legs, and had sharp, half-meter-long scythes of bone in place of arms. Their natural head-spines had also been mutated into razor-sharp quills. These drones were mindless without commands from their Yuuzhan Vong masters. The armored beasts were made available to Yuuzhan Vong commanders when Chazrach were unavailable, particularly those commanders in and around Hutt Space; a typical strike unit was composed of three to twelve drones.

