Vane Sarpo was created for the The High Republic multimedia project in 2021. He made his first appearance in the short story Starlight: Past Mistakes by Cavan Scott which was published in issues 205 and 206 of the Star Wars Insider magazine. The design of Vane Sarpo was based off of early character concept art created for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace by artist Iain McCaig. He was originally named Vane Sarpen, and was meant to be a semi-regular character in the comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, but he had his role removed in order to make space for more focus on the characters Keeve Trennis and Sskeer and their storylines.
Vane Sarpo was created for the The High Republic multimedia project in 2021. He made his first appearance in the short story Starlight: Past Mistakes by Cavan Scott which was published in issues 205 and 206 of the Star Wars Insider magazine. The design of Vane Sarpo was based off of early character concept art created for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace by artist Iain McCaig. He was originally named Vane Sarpen, and was meant to be a semi-regular character in the comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, but he had his role removed in order to make space for more focus on the characters Keeve Trennis and Sskeer and their storylines.
- The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One)
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia