Varactyl egg

Varactyl eggs were large, golden, scale-covered eggs produced by members of the non-sentient reptavian Varactyl species. They were laid in clutches of more than one egg, but could survive with proper care even if removed from their family. By 9 ABY, the Human Hunter Zaina had a Varactyl egg in her possession that she sometimes carried with her into the Grand Arena on the planet Vespaara to compete in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, vowing to return the lone egg home someday.

Behind the scenes

Varactyl eggs first canonically appeared in the competitive video game Star Wars: Hunters, though they were first mentioned in the description of the Decorative Varactyl Egg Nog beverage added in the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided MMORPG's Life Day events.

Non-canon appearances



