Vorten Fett was a cyborg Human Mandalorian Commander in the time of the Cold War. He served as the skilled military commander of the Mandalorian encampment on Taris, leading a thousand warriors on the planet under the payment of the Sith Empire. Interestingly unlike many of his fellow Mandalorians, he held nothing against the young warrior Torian Cadera, seeing much promise in him and was saddened to see him go missing as a result. Later he accompanied Mandalore the Vindicated on Ilum as part of the emergency war council gathered to discuss Darth Malgus' New Empire.
Vorten Fett wore yellow Mandalorian armor and kept a blaster pistol at his hip on all times.
Vorten Fett first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011 and was voiced by Tom Kane. He is part of the Bounty hunter class story. He also appears during the Ilum quest line.