Yavin Runner II

The Yavin Runner II was one of a number of shuttles that served the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

In 14 ABY, while bringing a group of new students to the Praxeum from Coruscant, the Yavin Runner II was shot down by Tavion Axmis as a diversion. It crashed several kilometers west of a Massassi Temple. The students were unharmed but had to be picked up by a shuttle. In the meantime, Alora, one of Tavion's cultists infiltrated the Academy and sliced into Luke's records.

A shuttle similar to the Yavin Runner II was later flown by Jaden Korr on a rescue mission to Blenjeel. The ship crashed in an electric storm but Korr was able to repair it with parts from the ship he came to rescue.


Interior of the Yavin Runner II as seen from the cockpit.

Interior of the Yavin Runner II as seen from the cockpit.

In 14 ABY, while bringing a group of new students to the Praxeum from Coruscant, the Yavin Runner II was shot down by Tavion Axmis as a diversion. It crashed several kilometers west of a Massassi Temple. The students were unharmed but had to be picked up by a shuttle. In the meantime, Alora, one of Tavion's cultists infiltrated the Academy and sliced into Luke's records.

A shuttle similar to the Yavin Runner II was later flown by Jaden Korr on a rescue mission to Blenjeel. The ship crashed in an electric storm but Korr was able to repair it with parts from the ship he came to rescue.



