Age of Resistance - Captain Phasma 1

Age of Resistance - Captain Phasma #1 represents the second one-off story featured in the canon comic book series, Star Wars: Age of Resistance. Tom Taylor served as the writer, Leonard Kirk provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics handled its release on July 10, 2019. This issue presents the tale "Fallen Guns," taking place before the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, and also incorporates an essay by Bryan Young.

Publisher's synopsis

ANOTHER WEAPON! STORMTROOPERS lack individuality. They function solely as tools for the EMPIRE [sic]. However, PHASMA possesses a name, and a young soldier desires what she has. A stormtrooper harbors ambition. This ambition is set to collide with CAPTAIN PHASMA.

Storyline summary

The battle's intensity

KM-8713, a First Order stormtrooper, is involved in the conflict against the Demirians residing on the Iron Planet of Demir within the Unknown Regions. She operates under the direction of Captain Phasma. Despite being a nameless stormtrooper, KM-9713 yearns for a status beyond that of a mere soldier.

As the stormtroopers push forward towards a Demirian stronghold, Captain Phasma urges them to prepare for an assault. She characterizes her troops as blasters in her grasp, cautioning them that any sign of weakness will render them unfit for service in the First Order. KM-8713 alerts Captain Phasma to an incoming Demirian gunship that is powering up. Phasma commands her troops to take cover.

A wounded DB-7197

The Demirian gunship obliterates a First Order AT-ST walker and eliminates several stormtroopers. KM-8713 survives the explosion and assists a wounded stormtrooper, DB-7197, in standing up. She aids him across the battlefield, but Captain Phasma instructs KM-8713 to abandon him, asserting that he will hinder their progress.

The stormtroopers face an attack from a Demirian warrior. KM-8713 neutralizes the enemy combatant, but as he dies, he hurls a thermal detonator towards the group. Without hesitation, Captain Phasma throws the injured DB-7197 onto the detonator, resulting in his death. While KM-8713 is shocked and horrified, Captain Phasma directs her to report to her Upsilon-class command shuttle to discuss the events of the day.

Captain Phasma's domain

Later that evening, Captain Phasma engages with KM-8713 within her luxurious quarters aboard the Upsilon-class shuttle. While serving wine, Phasma permits KM-8713 to remove her helmet. Phasma acknowledges KM-8713 as a capable soldier and expresses gratitude for saving her life. Phasma notes that her life would not have been in danger had she not paused to scold KM-8713 for assisting the wounded soldier.

Phasma demands to know the reason for KM-8713's assistance to the soldier. KM-8713 clarifies that Phasma had instilled in them the concept of being weapons and that it would be wasteful to discard a functional "weapon" like DB-7197 on the battlefield. Although KM-8713 believes that DB-7197 could have recovered and lived, Phasma argues that compassion equates to weakness and that aiding him could have jeopardized her life.

Phasma educates KM-8713 that survival is paramount for success and that calculated sacrifices are necessary. Upon inquiry, KM-8713 confesses her ambition to emulate Captain Phasma and ascend to a leadership position within the First Order. Re-equipping her helmet, Phasma commands KM-8713 to disregard fallen comrades and concentrate on the ultimate objective. She promotes KM-8713 to an officer and assigns her the responsibility of leading an assault on the Demirian base at daybreak.

The crucible of combat

At dawn, Captain Phasma addresses the stormtroopers, tasking them with capturing the Demirian stronghold. She delegates command of the assault to KM-8713. Under KM-8713's direction, the stormtroopers advance towards the Demirian stronghold's gates. They encounter several Demirian armored walkers, which inflict significant losses on the stormtroopers.

Despite their disadvantaged circumstances, Captain Phasma orders her troopers to persist in the battle. However, she subtly retreats from the battlefield. KM-8713 pursues her commanding officer, informing her that she is needed at the front lines. Nevertheless, Phasma orders her to return. At that moment, they detect a squadron of TIE fighters approaching.

The TIE fighters unleash a barrage upon the stormtroopers, Demirian soldiers, and walkers. A horrified KM-8713 beseeches Captain Phasma to instruct the First Order to cease the attack. She discerns that Phasma sacrificed her unit to expose the enemy. Phasma responds mockingly, stating that she fought valiantly and survived against all odds. Condemning Phasma as a traitor, KM-8713 attempts to shoot Phasma with her blaster.

However, Phasma's armor deflects the blaster fire. Phasma counters that her armor possesses far greater value than KM-8713's life. Phasma asserts that she is not a coward because she is willing to undertake necessary actions. Phasma further clarifies that she is not foolish enough to lead from the front but rather leads from behind a "disposable shield of patriotic idiots." Phasma shoots down KM-8713 with her blaster.

The injured KM-8713 implores Phasma not to abandon her. However, Phasma retorts that she cannot focus on her objective if she is concerned with the past. Phasma portrays herself as a survivor and dismisses KM-8713 as a nameless, deceased weapon.



  • UPC 759606092017; July 10 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Phil Noto 00121; Cover B; Mike McKone & Guru-eFX 00131; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00141; Cover D; Tonči Zonjić

Cover images

