Alisia (Gran)

Alisia was a Gran of the male persuasion. During the Galactic Civil War, he served as a nurse at the station located within the medical bay of Tansarii Point Station. Alisia worked to provide care for the sick and wounded on the station, in conjunction with a 2-1B surgical droid known as Billingsly, and a Bothan Medic Master named Aja Sen.


During the Galactic Civil War, a Gran male called Alisia functioned as a nurse at the station in the medical bay aboard Tansarii Point Station. Nova Orion Industries constructed Tansarii Point Station sometime after the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. The Car'das owned and operated the station, which was situated in the Bright Jewel system close to Ord Mantell, and was under the leadership of a Twi'lek named Inaldra. The station quickly became plagued with issues after Station Master Inaldra took over. Droids that were malfunctioning wandered through the droid repair center, wild animals roamed freely in the station's atrium, and representatives from Genesis Red and Black Sun were on the station. Due to this terrible circumstance, an increasing number of injured employees were transported to the station's sick bay, much to Alisia's dismay, who noted that Inaldra was losing control.

Alisia, aided by a 2-1B surgical droid called Billingsly and the Bothan Medic Master [Aja Sen](/article/aja_sen], took care of the growing number of patients. Alisia still bemoaned the lack of competent medics, despite this invaluable support. Alisia was aware of the risks on the station's upper and lower levels, including the presence of ravenous creatures and thugs loyal to the Hutts. However, not all of Alisia's patients sustained injuries while on board Tansarii Point Station. At least one patient made their way back from Station Gamma, a nearby research facility that was also plagued by violent thugs and out-of-control droids.

Personality and traits

Alisia tending to a patient onboard Tansarii Point Station

Alisia possessed black colored eyes and tan skin. Alisia voiced his opinions, criticizing Inaldra for failing to maintain order on Tansarii Point Station. He also lamented the shortage of skilled medics who were willing and able to treat the sudden surge of injured station workers. Nevertheless, Alisia remained dedicated to the goal of healing his patients.


Alisia wore a reinforced jumpsuit in shades of white and grey in his capacity as a station nurse aboard Tansarii Point Station. He also wore a pair of grey casual shoes as clothing.

Behind the scenes

Alisia was a non-player character featured in the video game Star Wars Galaxies from 2003, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Alisia was included in the game as a component of the "New Player Tutorial," which was introduced with the launch of the "Publish 25," also referred to as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005. Alisia could be found in the game, wandering the station's medical bay and caring for patients. While he was not involved in any quest, he would provide players who spoke with him with information about the station.

While there was no explicit mention of Alisia's gender in any conversation, utilizing an in-game text command revealed that Alisia was a male. However, it should be noted that due to the game's mechanics, all Gran character models in Star Wars Galaxies were male by default, regardless of the developers' intentions.

