
Alkhara was a bandit, known for his lack of fear, who at some point in the past, seized the B'omarr monastery located in the Northern Dune Sea of Tatooine, using it for his own purposes. To further his aims, he employed Tusken Raiders to assassinate members of the local police garrison. Subsequently, he double-crossed the Tuskens by ordering their execution, which triggered a protracted and violent conflict between the colonists and the sand people. While he occupied the monastery for 34 years, Alkhara constructed a road connecting the citadel to both the Western Dune Sea and the Great Pit of Carkoon. Furthermore, he enhanced the structure with battlements, dungeons, and a nine-story tower. Ultimately, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt, forced the bandit off Tatooine. Jabba then converted the monastery, which had become a hideout, into his own personal palace.


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