Alpha Company (Raxus Prime)

Alpha Company, a Galactic Republic military unit, saw action on the planet of Raxus Prime during the Clone Wars. This unit consisted of at least three AT-TEs along with four AT-XTs.


During the events of the Dark Reaper crisis, this unit was transported to Raxus Prime aboard an Acclamator-class assault ship. Their mission was to aid Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in stopping Count Dooku from unearthing the Force Harvester. This device was crucial for powering the Dark Reaper.

Leading a frontal assault with their fighter tanks, the company faced relentless attacks from CIS forces. These forces included waves of Homing spider droids, Ground Armored Tanks, Hailfire droids, Heavy Artillery Guns, and NR-N-99 droid tanks. Upon reaching the excavation site's perimeter, Kenobi navigated an industrial complex to eliminate the remaining Separatist forces within.

As Republic forces began to converge, Kenobi targeted the fuel bays powering an excavation crane, while Skywalker and the AT-XTs engaged nearby enemy units. After the crane was destroyed, Kenobi proceeded to eliminate a generator powering a force field gate, behind which republic reinforcements were waiting. With all confederacy forces eliminated, Dooku appeared, guarded by two battle droids, prompting Skywalker to pursue him aboard a Hardcell transport.

Moments later, a Protodeka emerged, swiftly annihilating the remaining Republic forces in the area, leaving Kenobi alone as Skywalker departed on the launched transport. After a difficult fight, the Protodeka was eventually destroyed. Clone troops in the area then informed Kenobi that the Separatists had already acquired their objective.

