Alpha Group was a component of the Rebel Alliance's fleet, categorized as a battle group, and it operated under the leadership of Admiral Gial Ackbar. This group found itself stationed at the Mako-Ta Space Docks, poised alongside other similar units to separate from the main fleet until the moment they were needed to fight the forces of the Galactic Empire.
As the various groups prepared to initiate their jump to hyperspace, an unexpected malfunction prevented the ships from launching, a situation caused by the treachery of Queen Trios. In the immediate aftermath of this failed launch, Death Squadron, commanded by Darth Vader, arrived. The flagship of the battle group was the Home One, an MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser under Admiral Ackbar's command.
In the course of the engagement, Luke Skywalker utilized his ship's light trail to communicate to Ackbar that the cruiser's bay doors were vulnerable. Responding to this, the admiral commanded the immediate launch of all fighters, instructing them to disseminate this crucial information. After the fleet received the necessary codes to reactivate their ships, Ackbar gave the order for Home One to execute the hyperspace jump.