Amador fortress

A stronghold located on the world of Amador served as the location for a conflict that took place amidst the Great Galactic War. This war saw the Galactic Republic clash against the revived Sith Empire. At some point between the years of 3665 and 3653 BBY, Chagrian warrior Fideltin Rusk was tasked with protecting the stronghold's sole entry point from Imperial troopers. Rusk recalled this fortress many years afterward during a visit to the Shrine of Healing situated on the planet Voss.

Behind the scenes

The mention of the Amador fortress initially occurred within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. BioWare and LucasArts launched this game in 2011. The reference appears in background dialogue that activates when Rusk, a companion character available to those playing as the Jedi Knight, is in close proximity to the Shrine of Healing.

