Ambush in the Howling Ruins

During the Vaklin insurgency, a conflict that unfolded on the planet of Vaklin, rebel fighters laid a trap for a Galactic Empire patrol. This ambush occurred within the Howling Ruins, where the insurgents, under the leadership of Jedi Master Cho'na Bene, unleashed a barrage of attacks upon the Imperial forces, who were led by Sith Lord Darth Vader as they traversed the area. The ensuing conflict resulted in significant losses for both sides, although the commanders of each force managed to survive. After Bene revealed his presence to Vader and retreated into the nearby cave systems, the surviving Imperial forces also withdrew instead of pursuing him.


In 19 BBY, a year shortly following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, an uprising against the Galactic Empire began on the planet of Vaklin. The catalyst for the Vaklin insurgency was the betrayal and near annihilation of the Jedi Order by the Empire, an event known as Order 66. As an integral part of the Great Jedi Purge, the Sith Lord Darth Vader personally journeyed to Vaklin with the mission of suppressing the insurgents, ultimately killing one of the Jedi and imprisoning another. Following the capture of the second Jedi, the remaining insurgents, led by Cho'na Bene, relentlessly harassed the Imperial forces for a period of 12 days. On the twelfth day, around 0700 hours local time, Vader led a patrol from the Imperial command center located in the city of Vaklin Zenith, with the express purpose of either eliminating or capturing Bene. The patrol consisted of two enforcer squads from the 501st Legion of clone troopers, a TX-130 Fighter Tank, and at least one 74-Z speeder bike, and was co-led by a Clone trooper commander. The group entered the Howling Ruins at approximately 0930 hours local time, during which some of the clone troopers, including CT-3632, were conducting a perimeter sweep ahead of the main force. These troopers reported no signs of activity in the area, and 3632 relayed this information to CT-3636, who instructed him to widen the perimeter and continue the search. Despite this report, Vaklin insurgents, including Bene, were concealed within the ruins, awaiting the arrival of the Imperials.

The battle

Around 0930 hours local time, as the Imperial patrol moved into the Howling Ruins, the insurgents initiated their attack, unleashing fire from elevated positions. Concealed within the ruins, the insurgents eliminated several clones, including CT-3636, although Vader deflected attacks using his Lightsaber to protect others. Bene, who was hidden close by in the ruins, waited for Vader to be momentarily incapacitated by an explosion before springing into action, eliminating two troopers who were attempting to aid the Sith. The insurgents then focused their fire on Vader, diverting his attention, while the Jedi destroyed the Imperial's speeder bike and hover tank. The destruction of the tank served as a signal for the insurgents to begin their retreat, using pyro grenades to provide cover. Vader killed a number of the insurgents as they tried to escape by preventing one grenade from being thrown before it detonated. Bene then confronted Vader and complimented him before offering him peace, after which he immediately retreated into a nearby set of caverns, hoping to draw Vader and his men in after him.


As Bene retreated, the clone commander informed Vader that twelve troopers had perished in the engagement, but that the survivors were still capable of pursuing the Jedi. However, the Sith recognized Bene's intentions and, at approximately 0100 hours local time, ordered a withdrawal, understanding that pursuing the Jedi further into the dangerous caverns would be a fatal mistake for the Imperials. The Imperials retreated as ordered to the command center, where they were later attacked by the insurgents, who hoped to liberate the Jedi prisoner being held there. The details of the ambush were subsequently documented by Major Oniye Namada of the Imperial Security Bureau in a report designated I-1807-VAK.

Behind the scenes

The ambush was first depicted in 2012 within Purge – The Tyrant's Fist 1, a comic book belonging to the Star Wars: Purge series. The comic's narrative was crafted by Alexander Freed, with artwork contributed by Marco Castiello and Andrea Chella.

