Amilyn Holdo's friend's mansion

A residence, specifically a mansion, situated on the planet of Spira, belonged to a friend who was acquainted with rebel captain Amilyn Holdo. Sometime between the years 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Holdo secured permission to use the mansion from its owner, her friend, and subsequently invited various members of the Rebel Alliance to spend a vacation there, providing them respite from the ongoing Galactic Civil War. Following the rebels' successful acquisition of a Nihil Path engine as a result of attending an auction, they made their way back to the mansion, at which point Holdo proceeded to integrate the engine into her personal starship, known as the Skyfarer. However, their location was discovered, and they were pursued by TIE fighters. As the rebels made their escape aboard the Skyfarer, the fighters obliterated the mansion, which caused Holdo to express her sorrow, fully aware that her friend would be greatly displeased by its destruction.

