
The Amorphiians, alternatively called Amorphiian beings, were a sapient race native to the world of Amorphiia situated within the Mid Rim. Although visually indistinguishable from standard Humans, Amorphiians experienced frequent power fluctuations affecting their motor skills, leading to unpredictable speeding up, slowing down, or erratic gyrations, contingent on the specific nature of the malfunction. Amorphiians possessed the unique capability to restore proper function to a paralyzed or uncooperative limb or body part by physically manipulating it through rubbing, pushing, moving, or other forms of stimulation.

An Amorphiian business, at the very least, marketed a line of mini-transmitters in 1 ABY. The product included an instructional cassette presented by an Amorphiian individual named Dromboid. The cassette's introductory remarks promoted it as a rare opportunity for consumers throughout the galaxy to encounter an Amorphiian being. However, the manufacturer made sure to emphasize that the Amorphiians' tendency for power glitches did not reflect negatively on the product's safety or effectiveness.

Biology and appearance

Amorphiians represented a sentient species of humanoid, multi-interface automatons. Also referred to as Amorphiian beings, they exhibited an appearance identical to typical Humans, possessing similar proportions and external anatomy to other sentient humanoid species. One known member of this species displayed gray hair, blue eyes, and a light complexion. Amorphiians possessed neural-cranial connections and were capable of experiencing pain.

The machine-like attributes of Amorphiians set them apart from other species. For instance, their movements were often accompanied by a whirring sound. Furthermore, they exhibited various peculiar behaviors: an Amorphiian might beep or twitch rapidly in a specific area of their body, such as the chin, eyelids, fingers, neck, or tongue. Frequent issues plagued their neural motor systems, resulting in a loss of power to the body or a part of it, causing movements to become slower, faster, or generally erratic. These fluctuations could also affect the voice, causing it to change in pitch and speed, the eyes to become crossed, or the body to sway strangely. To rectify these power losses, Amorphiians would stimulate the affected body part to restore normal function. For example, a malfunctioning Amorphiian could regain control by re-extending a limp finger, applying pressure to unresponsive hips, rubbing their forehead, flapping their arms, or even utilizing tools to correct a frozen smile. A complete power loss would cause an Amorphiian to collapse.

Society and culture

A certain Amorphiian enterprise marketed mini-transmitters outside of their native Amorphiia system; these devices were designed to translate speech into any of 1,000 different languages. The Wookiee Lumpawarrump owned one of these devices on the planet Kashyyyk in 1 ABY. Included with the mini-transmitter were a toolkit, a circuit-breaker module, an impulse-to-voice translator, and an instructional cassette detailing the assembly process.

The introduction to the instructional cassette acknowledged the power fluctuations common among Amorphiians, but insisted that these malfunctions did not compromise the product's functionality. The disclaimer also suggested that encounters with Amorphiians were uncommon for most members of the galactic community. The instructional video itself was presented by a male Amorphiian named Dromboid. He wore clothing typical of many spacefaring species: a shirt, trousers, a jacket, and a belt. Dromboid presented himself as a meticulous representative of his species, speaking in a monotone and unemotional manner, while also claiming to appreciate beauty. Dromboid's instructions, however, highlighted the potential frustration that the erratic nature of Amorphiians could cause for members of other species.


The Amorphiians originated from the planet Amorphiia, situated within the Amorphiia system in the Eidoloni sector of the Mid Rim. Their region of the galaxy was first contacted by outsiders sometime between 3000 and 1000 BBY. During the final years of the New Sith Wars, spanning from 1004 to 1,000 BBY, their world remained in contested or neutral territory. By the era of the Clone Wars, it had become part of Galactic Republic space. In 50 BBY, a revolution erupted on Arkania between the ruling Dominion government and the Arkanian Renegades. Scientists employed by the Dominion spliced Amorphiian genetic material with that of other species to create ultimate warriors known as Accelerated Transgenic Heuristic Abhorers. The Abhorers successfully suppressed the insurrection but were subsequently destroyed by the Arkanians (except for one who managed to escape).

By 1 ABY, the Amorphiians had developed a mini-transmitter industry, exporting their products beyond their home solar system along with instructional cassettes that emphasized the consumer's opportunity to virtually meet a member of the Amorphiian species. The Amorphiia region had a relatively sparse population density of between one and ten million inhabitants per system around 25 ABY. By 137 ABY, the planet fell within the territory controlled by Darth Krayt as part of his Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Amorphiian character Dromboid is featured in a brief comedic segment within The Star Wars Holiday Special, which was broadcast on television in 1978. The character, played by American comedian Harvey Korman, instructs the young Wookiee Lumpy on how to assemble a mini-transmitter. Throughout the segment, Dromboid's persistent malfunctions frustrate the young Wookiee. The fourth draft of the special's script uses the spelling Amorphiian for the species' name, a spelling that is reinforced as canon in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008.

