Andoan wine

Andoan wine represented a specific variety of wine that originated from Ando. Ando is significant as the homeworld of the Aqualish species. An instance of Andoan wine being served occurred in 22 BBY at the Outlander Club, situated on the planet Coruscant; a bottle of it was placed on the counter behind the club's main bar. Subsequently, by the year 3 ABY, the human pilot named Thane Kyrell had grown to appreciate the drink over a time.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Andoan wine was made within the 2015 canon novel titled Lost Stars, authored by Claudia Gray. The reference publication from 2019, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, employed retconned to establish that one of the beverages featured in the 2002 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, was actually Andoan wine. Within the Star Wars Legends narrative, the drink had been previously depicted in "The Great Herdship Heist," a concise narrative from 1997 penned by Daniel Wallace and released within Star Wars Adventure Journal 15.

