Andrithal Robb-Voti, a human female, held the position of senator representing the planet Taris within the Galactic Senate of the New Republic. During the year 28 ABY, Robb-Voti was present on Hosnian Prime when it served as the Senate's location, where she suffered injuries in the Napkin Bombing incident. Later, in 34 ABY, Robb-Voti, along with numerous other senators, met her death when the First Order employed their Starkiller Base to destroy the whole Hosnian system. When present on Hosnian Prime, Robb-Voti was seen wearing purple robes, which symbolized the Tarisian administrative color.
The character Andrithal Robb-Voti was conceived for inclusion in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, a film that premiered on December 18, 2015. Although she doesn't appear in the movie's final cut, she was featured in the companion book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched concurrently with the film's release.
Notably, Andrithal's last name is partially shared with Kin Robb, another Senator who also represented Taris. Despite this similarity, there has been no established link between these two figures.