Kin Robb

Kin Robb, a female human politician, served as the representative for the planet of Taris in the Galactic Republic's Senate during the era of the Clone Wars. Widely recognized by observers and fellow senators for her striking presence and vibrantly colored clothing, Robb was a principled and respected figure, dedicated to improving the conditions on her home world despite the significant cultural and economic divisions causing turmoil on Taris. During the Clone Wars, which pitted the Republic against the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems, Robb aligned herself with Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore within the Council of Neutral Systems, advocating for neutrality in the Senate alongside Kryze. Furthermore, Robb was a strong supporter of Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and her coalition's efforts to promote de-escalation of the conflict.

Although initially a proponent of peace initiatives and critical of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's expanded powers granted under wartime conditions, Robb's stance evolved by the final year of the war. She became a prominent voice against the appointment of Baron Rush Clovis to a leadership position within the InterGalactic Banking Clan. When it was revealed that Clovis was a figurehead and that Scipio, the Banking Clan's headquarters, was under Separatist occupation, Robb was among a group of senators who demanded a counterattack to reassert Republic control over the planet. This ultimately led to the Republic's nationalization of the Banking Clan and an increase in Palpatine's executive authority. By the time the Imperial Senate was established, Robb was no longer representing Taris in the galactic government.


The Clone Wars

Outbreak of war

Kin Robb, originally hailing from the urban planet of Taris, situated in the Taris system within the Outer Rim Territories, would eventually rise to represent her homeworld in the Galactic Senate, the legislative branch of the Galactic Republic, a democratic union that governed a significant portion of the galaxy. Taris, a densely populated ecumenopolis, was notorious for its stark economic inequalities, a consequence of widespread pollution and a historical catastrophe that devastated the cityscape, leaving the world in a state of ruin. While some parts of the city were rebuilt, these areas were primarily controlled by the wealthy elite, forcing the middle and lower classes to live in makeshift dwellings amidst the debris. As a member of the Tarisian government and the representative of Taris on the Republic capital planet Coruscant, Senator Robb was committed to advocating for her world, despite the internal conflicts arising from the deep cultural divisions between its affluent and impoverished citizens.

During the Clone Wars, Senator Robb incorporated Taris into the Council of Neutral Systems.

In 22 BBY, the Republic became embroiled in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a breakaway faction, following a prolonged period of tension known as the Separatist Crisis. Prior to the formal declaration of war at the First Battle of Geonosis, Robb, a prominent advocate for peace, was among those in the Senate who opposed granting emergency wartime powers to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, believing that such a move would only intensify the conflict. As the war spread across the galaxy, Robb was one of many planetary representatives who joined the newly established Council of Neutral Systems. This organization had roots in the Senate's Pacifist Faction, a group of delegations from the Core World who opposed the war and the government's expanded powers that came with it. Robb herself brought Taris into the Council, a decision that allowed Taris to maintain its economic connections with the Republic while avoiding involvement in the military activities she opposed.

Under the leadership of Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, the Council of Neutral Systems provided Robb with the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders. As a member of the Council, Robb traveled to Sundari, the Mandalorian capital, to meet with Duchess Satine and her New Mandalorian government to discuss their shared goals. In addition to Duchess Satine, Robb formed a friendship and alliance with fellow council member Onaconda Farr, who represented the Savareen sector. Outside of the neutral sphere, Robb became a committed ally of a coalition of peace advocates that included Farr and Senator Padmé Amidala of the Chommell sector. Like this group of senators, Robb had objected to Chancellor Palpatine's emergency powers and disapproved of her colleagues who supported military expansion, making her a reliable vote in favor of Farr and Amidala's legislative proposals.

Mandalorian intrigue

In 21 BBY, Robb was present in the Senate Office Building when it was attacked by a rampaging Zillo Beast, which had been brought to Coruscant after being awakened following the Battle of Malastare. Robb and several other senators were walking through a large atrium when the beast arrived, causing the building to shake and Robb to stumble as the emergency lights activated. The Jedi Order and the Grand Army of the Republic intervened, ultimately leading to the Zillo Beast's death and ending its destructive rampage. Shortly after the incident, Robb and Senator Farr shared a meal together in the Senate Building's commissary.

Robb was one of several senators invited to join Duchess Satine Kryze on her way to Coruscant.

The Council of Neutral Systems faced a challenge when the Death Watch, a Mandalorian terrorist organization opposed to Duchess Satine's rule and secretly supported by the Separatists, began targeting Republic forces near the Mandalore sector. Because both the New Mandalorians and the Death Watch resisted a Republic presence on Mandalore, some within the Republic argued that the Death Watch threat justified a military occupation of the planet, ostensibly to protect the Mandalorian people, but really as a pretext to incorporate the strategically important Mandalore space into the war effort. In an effort to preserve Mandalore's neutrality, Duchess Kryze prepared to testify before the Senate and oppose a resolution that would authorize an occupation. She invited several senators to accompany her on her journey, including three members of the Council of Neutral Systems: Robb, Farr, and Senator Tal Merrik of Kalevala. Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth, who was not a member of the Council, was also invited.

To Kryze's dismay, Robb and the other dignitaries requested a contingent of Republic clone troopers from the 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion, led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, to escort them aboard Kryze's yacht, the Coronet. Robb and her colleagues traveled to Sundari to meet with Kryze before boarding the Coronet, after which they departed for Coruscant. Shortly after leaving Sundari, Robb and the rest of Kryze's entourage enjoyed drinks in her throne room, where the duchess expressed her views on the war. The voyage became tense when Kenobi and Skywalker entered the room, with Kenobi making pro-war arguments to provoke Kryze, with whom he had a past. As the two argued, Robb and the others watched uncomfortably. Kenobi and Kryze's confrontation escalated, at which point Merrik intervened by suggesting they all prepare for dinner.

Senator Robb and her fellow dignitaries dine aboard the Coronet, unaware of the assassin droids in the cargo hold below.

By dinnertime, Kryze had calmed down considerably and joined Robb, Farr, Merrik, and Taa in the Coronet's dining room, where they were served deep-fried nuna leg. However, their meal was interrupted when Kenobi alerted them that Skywalker and the clones had discovered probe assassin droids in the cargo hold below. While Skywalker and the clones managed to stop one of the droids, another escaped up the lift and headed towards the dining room. On Kenobi's orders, Robb and the others moved away from the lift, and the assassin droid soon broke through the doors. Although Kenobi destroyed the droid with his lightsaber before it could reach the politicians, dozens of smaller probes ejected from the larger droid and began scurrying across the room.

As Robb and her fellow senators tried to avoid the swarm of droids, Kenobi and Kryze, who revealed a concealed deactivator pistol, began destroying them together. Once the probes were deactivated and destroyed, the senators regained their composure as the danger subsided. With the threat seemingly over and Kryze and Kenobi reconciled, Robb and the rest of the court reconvened later for dessert. They had not been seated long when Kenobi entered the room carrying a covered serving tray, which he revealed to contain a still-active probe droid. He explained that the crate containing the larger droids had been allowed on board the Coronet under the Senate seal, indicating that one of the four senators present had smuggled them onto the ship to assassinate Duchess Satine and the other three. To identify the culprit, Kenobi intended to test how the droid reacted to each person.

General Kenobi uses a small probe droid to clear Robb and Farr of attempting to assassinate Duchess Satine.

Despite Kryze's concerns that his test was akin to torture, Kenobi began walking around the table with the droid. After clearing Taa and Farr, Kenobi walked past Robb. The droid rammed itself into the side of the dish cover, and Kenobi noted that it displayed more hostility towards Robb than Taa and Farr. The droid calmed down when near Merrik, confirming that he was responsible for the assassination attempts. Merrik knocked the tray out of Kenobi's hands, freeing the probe. Amidst the chaos, Kenobi batted the droid away from Kryze with the dish, only for it to disable a protocol droid before attacking Senator Farr, causing Robb to gasp in horror. While Kenobi was distracted trying to destroy the probe, Merrik took Kryze hostage and contacted the Death Watch, who sent Separatist boarding ships to attack the Coronet. Once the probe was destroyed, Kenobi left to confront Merrik while Skywalker and the clones fought the battle droids now on board.

Farr, Robb, and Taa remained safe away from the battle, which ended in a victory for the Jedi, who freed Kryze, killed Merrik, and destroyed the Separatist boarding party. Following the tense voyage, the Coronet landed on Coruscant, where Duchess Satine and her guests met with Chancellor Palpatine, who was waiting for them and boarded a transport bound for the Senate building. Robb was later present to hear Kryze present her case for Mandalore's neutrality before the Senate, but a doctored testimony from Mandalorian Deputy Minister Jerec persuaded a majority in the Senate to vote for a Republic occupation. At great personal risk, Kryze managed to access Jerec's original testimony, in which he argued against the occupation, and presented it to the Senate with help from Kenobi and Senator Amidala, convincing the Senate to rescind its earlier decision and grant Mandalore continuing neutrality.

Hostage crisis

Robb and Senator Mon Mothma listen as Aang toasts the signing of a treaty.

At a later point, Robb was among the senators invited to a state banquet hosted by Padmé Amidala at her residence in the Senate apartment complex. While ostensibly a birthday celebration for Senator Aang, the event was also intended to persuade him to support a treaty vote, as he held the deciding vote on the Military Oversight Committee. The soiree, attended by Senators Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Bail Organa of Alderaan, Jakker-Sun, Dantum Roohd, and General Skywalker, saw Robb enjoying a drink as the politicians mingled in Amidala's sunken sitting room, which also served as an open-air entrance. Having been convinced by Amidala's efforts, Aang raised a glass and toasted the signing of the treaty and his favorite dessert, jogan fruitcake, which Amidala had gone to great lengths to have prepared for the party.

Later, a bill ironically named the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill was introduced in the Senate. It sought to grant Chancellor Palpatine and his office unprecedented and expansive powers to monitor Republic citizens suspected of having Separatist connections. Many anti-war senators, including Robb, strongly opposed the measure, and a small political resistance group quickly formed to defeat the bill in the Senate. On the day of the scheduled vote, Robb was invited by Senator Philo of Kinyen, a leader of the informal group, to a meeting in an atrium in the Senate Office Building's East Wing to discuss the motion with fellow opposition senators. In addition to Robb, Senators Farr, Amidala, Organa, Jakker-Sun, Roohd, Riyo Chuchi, and Zinn Paulness were also present at Philo's meeting. During the meeting, the senators collectively agreed that they had to stop the bill before Chancellor Palpatine could proceed with it.

During a meeting of opposition senators, Robb and her colleagues are take hostage by a crew of bounty hunters.

However, as the meeting concluded, the doors to the hall suddenly opened, and a group of bounty hunters entered and surrounded the politicians. Robb moved closer to Jakker-Sun as the leader of the mercenaries, Cad Bane, fired his blaster into the ceiling to get their attention. He then announced that the senators were now his hostages. While Robb and nearly everyone else complied, Philo refused and attempted to leave, only to be shot in the back and killed by Bane. As Robb watched in shock, Bane ordered the remaining senators to gather in the center of the atrium and instructed his hunters to search them. With the group of senators held hostage, Bane contacted Chancellor Palpatine's office and demanded the release of Ziro Desilijic Tiure from imprisonment at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center in exchange for the politicians.

After delivering his demands to Palpatine, Bane had his hunters cut off the building's power, disconnecting the Chancellor from outside communication and leaving the hostages illuminated only by the emergency lights and sunlight streaming through the atrium ceiling. He began walking around the senators, demanding they hand over their comms. Before he could search Robb, Bane spotted General Skywalker on an upper level of the atrium and fired at the Jedi. Bane sent Aurra Sing and two other hunters to pursue Skywalker, who had evaded Bane's shots. While Bane and the remaining mercenaries were distracted, Robb and her colleagues began whispering amongst themselves, but Bane noticed and fired another warning shot at the ceiling to silence them. Bane contacted the Chancellor's office again and ordered Palpatine to write a pardon for Ziro and send it and Senator Taa, who was in Palpatine's office with him, to the prison.

Robb watches in horror as the bounty hunters throw General Skywalker in with the hostages.

Sing and the rest of Bane's team soon returned to the atrium with an unconscious and handcuffed Skywalker, then threw him in with the senators. When he received confirmation that the Chancellor had sent Taa to the detention center with a pardon for Ziro, Bane had his crew place bombs on the pillars around the hall, which emitted a laser field that fenced the senators in the center of the room. Bane informed them that disturbing the sensors would trigger the bombs, killing them and destroying the atrium. With the hostages trapped, Bane and his hunters left the Senate building to meet with the transport carrying the now-freed Ziro. With no other option, Robb and the others remained in place, waiting for Skywalker to regain consciousness. When the Jedi did, Farr informed him that Bane had ordered them to stay put and suggested they comply, but Skywalker disagreed.

After receiving his lightsaber from Amidala, who told him she had found it nearby, Skywalker used his blade to cut a circle around the senators. As he did so, the devices around the room began emitting a high-pitched noise, as Bane had planned to detonate the bombs regardless of his promise to the Chancellor that he would not harm the senators. When Skywalker completed the circle, the floor collapsed before the bombs went off, sending Robb and the senators to the level below, narrowly escaping the destruction. Although left coughing and dazed from the fall and resulting smoke, Robb was ultimately unharmed. Because of the senators' survival, the Republic dispatched a military task force to pursue Bane and his crew, who had escaped by using the bombs as a diversion. When the Senate reconvened after the crisis, the resistance group that had formed against the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill successfully led to its defeat in the Senate.

Senate turmoil

The battle for peace

Robb and her aides applaud Padmé Amidala's speech calling for reduced military spending.

Towards the end of 21 BBY, the Senate was in a state of upheaval following the collapse of a peace initiative sponsored by Senator Amidala and Confederate Senator Mina Bonteri, and after a Confederate bombing on Coruscant that destroyed the planet's power distribution grid. While the attack on Coruscant provided ammunition for militaristic senators to push for legislation that supported their agenda, including a successful effort to deregulate the InterGalactic Banking Clan to facilitate new lines of credit, the progressive, anti-war faction led by Organa, Amidala, Farr, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila remained steadfast in opposing the escalation of the war. Robb, a friend and ally of these senators, supported their efforts and a key speech given by Amidala in opposition to Halle Burtoni, a senator from Kamino, who proposed an increase in clone trooper production, which would divert public funds into military spending. Despite the positive reception of Amidala's speech, the Senate ultimately passed Burtoni's measure.

In response, Amidala and Farr introduced counter-legislation aimed at mitigating the financial impact of the bill. Robb continued to support their work, including another speech delivered by Padmé. Due to the faction's efforts, the reduced spending bill was close to securing a narrow majority in the Senate, but as the vote approached, Farr suddenly died of what appeared to be heart failure. Robb attended a funerary service in the skies above Coruscant, where she mourned the loss of her friend and ally. After listening to a eulogy delivered by Farr's aide Silood, Robb solemnly watched the Senate Guard perform an arms salute as his casket was loaded onto a transport. In a series of setbacks for the peace movement, a Coruscant Security Force investigation revealed that Farr had been poisoned by Rodia's Junior Representative, Lolo Purs, which, in part, led the Senate to reject the late senator's budget reduction proposal.

Trial of Ahsoka Tano

Senator Robb was one of the jurors in the sedition trial of Ahsoka Tano.

In the year 19 BBY, a period marked by widespread public discontent aimed at the Jedi Order for allegedly abandoning their peacekeeping principles to become an arm of the Republic Military, a devastating bombing occurred within a hangar located in the Jedi Grand Temple on Coruscant. This act of terrorism resulted in numerous fatalities, including eight clone troopers, twelve civilian personnel, and six Jedi Knights. The Jedi Order initiated an internal investigation, which led to the apprehension of Letta Turmond, a fervent anti-war activist. Turmond had surreptitiously introduced explosive nanodroids into her husband, Jackar Bowmani, a Temple employee, effectively transforming him into a living explosive device. While incarcerated at the Republic Center for Military Operations, Turmond met her demise during a meeting with Padawan Ahsoka Tano, one of the Jedi investigators, who subsequently escaped the facility. A massive search operation was launched, culminating in Tano's capture in the depths of the Coruscant Underworld, alongside incriminating evidence suggesting her involvement in the bombing.

Even though the Jedi High Council initially intended to conduct an internal trial, prominent figures within the Senate and the Republic Military leadership expressed concerns that such a trial would be inherently biased due to Jedi involvement. To pave the way for a military tribunal within a Republic court, the Senate formally requested that the Jedi Order expel Tano from its ranks. Confronted with the discovery of nanodroids in the warehouse where Tano was apprehended and facing escalating pressure from the government, the Jedi Council relented and officially charged Tano with sedition against the Republic. Consequently, Tano was stripped of her Jedi status, along with all associated titles and privileges within the Grand Army of the Republic, before being handed over to the Republic's judicial system to await her impending trial. Despite Chancellor Palpatine's planned oversight of the proceedings, Tano's fate would be determined by a jury comprising senators, including Robb. In the expansive courtroom located within the Center for Military Operations, Robb and her fellow jurors were positioned in elevated rows, providing them with a comprehensive view of the platforms occupied by the prosecution, defense, and the accused.

Kin Robb and her peers observe the trial from the wings of the court chamber.

As the trial commenced, Robb, seated between Senator Chuchi and a representative of the Bith species, observed the arrival of the shackled Tano, who was escorted onto a floating platform situated at the chamber's center. Vice Chair Amedda initiated the session, and both the prosecutor, Republic Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, and the defense counsel, Senator Amidala, entered the courtroom. Following Chancellor Palpatine's formal presentation of the sedition charges against Tano, he yielded the floor to Tarkin. Tarkin asserted that Tano had orchestrated the bombing of the Jedi Temple and subsequently eliminated her accomplices, including Turmond. The admiral explicitly conveyed his intention to seek a severe sentence from the jury, suggesting that the death penalty was a justifiable consideration. Later, Robb attentively observed Amidala's presentation of her defense, wherein she argued that Tano was being falsely implicated in Turmond's death by the actual perpetrator of the bombing.

In response, Tarkin highlighted Tano's association with Asajj Ventress, a former operative of the Separatist movement, during her period as a fugitive. Tano vehemently denied these accusations, asserting that Ventress had framed her and that her Jedi Master, Anakin Skywalker, would provide evidence to support her claim. Following the closing arguments, Palpatine delivered his assessment, implying that Tano was part of a Separatist conspiracy aimed at undermining the Jedi Order and the Republic. Shortly thereafter, Robb and the other jurors reached a verdict. However, as Palpatine prepared to announce the jury's decision, Skywalker, accompanied by a contingent of the Jedi Temple Guard, dramatically entered the courtroom, escorting Padawan Barriss Offee. Skywalker declared that Offee was the true mastermind behind the bombing, and the padawan confessed in full to orchestrating the bombing and framing Tano, and Palpatine ordered her arrest. Tano was exonerated by the court, but the experience left her deeply disillusioned, leading her to decline an invitation to rejoin the Jedi Order.

Invasion of Scipio

Shortly after the trial of Ahsoka Tano concluded, the Republic's fiscal stability and its interactions with the InterGalactic Banking Clan became subject to heightened scrutiny amid emerging reports indicating the bank's precarious financial state and asset instability. Senator Amidala was dispatched to mediate the situation between the Republic and the Banking Clan, but during her visit to the Banking Clan's headquarters on Scipio, she and the bank's former Senate representative, Rush Clovis, discovered that the Banking Clan was teetering on the brink of insolvency, possessing minimal capital reserves. Recognizing that their findings could potentially instigate significant reforms within the Banking Clan's leadership structure, Amidala and Clovis returned to Coruscant with the acquired files and secured authorization from Palpatine to continue their investigation under the jurisdiction of the Republic. Despite Clovis's commendable intentions, he encountered skepticism from numerous members of the Senate, including Robb, due to his past acts of treason, which involved diverting funds towards Separatist projects, ultimately leading to his removal from office.

Senator Robb opposed nominating Rush Clovis as the Banking Clan's leader, and warned that his Separatist ties were a threat.

Amidala and Clovis successfully demonstrated that Banking Clan funds had been illicitly channeled into private accounts by its leadership council, known as the Core Five. As a consequence of these revelations, the Banking Clan ousted the Core Five from their positions and initiated corruption charges against each member of the body. With the banks lacking a designated leader, Clovis emerged as a potential candidate for the role, garnering support from both the Muun people of Scipio and the Separatist Parliament, leaving the Republic Senate as the remaining obstacle to his appointment. During Clovis's address to the Senate in an attempt to secure the nomination, he encountered a diverse range of reactions, with many senators expressing reluctance to trust him until the Chancellor publicly endorsed his candidacy. Although Robb remained unconvinced and withheld her support for the nomination, the final vote count revealed that she was in the minority, and Vice Chair Amedda formally confirmed that Clovis now possessed the Republic's endorsement. Following the conclusion of the contentious session, Robb departed the Senate chambers.

Expressing her frustration with Chancellor Palpatine's willingness to support Clovis, Robb, along with several other colleagues, cautioned him about the potential dangers posed by Clovis's past affiliations with the Separatist movement. Despite initial indications that Clovis, in his capacity as the newly appointed head of the Banking Clan, would implement meaningful reforms, Robb's deep-seated distrust proved to be justified, as Clovis had secretly forged an agreement with Count Dooku to secure the nomination. Dooku employed blackmail tactics against Clovis by threatening to withhold interest payments on loans to the Confederacy, thereby compelling Clovis to increase interest rates on Republic loans in an attempt to shield the banks from financial collapse. While Amidala was present on Scipio for Clovis's inauguration, she promptly informed Palpatine of these developments, prompting the Senate to convene and address the matter. Incensed by this turn of events, Robb, alongside other senators who had opposed supporting Clovis, including Mot-Not Rab and Meena Tills, voiced their vehement disapproval. In particular, Robb emphasized that she had previously cautioned the Chancellor about the potential for such a scenario to unfold.

In response to the Separatist invasion of Scipio, Robb demands a Republic counterattack.

On the same day, Scipio was subjected to an invasion by a Separatist armada, resulting in the destruction of the Republic's detachment and the entrapment of Senator Amidala on the planet. With Clovis's deception now evident, Chancellor Palpatine convened an emergency session of the Senate, during which he disclosed that Clovis was indeed a puppet of Dooku and that Scipio was under siege. Amidst the ensuing commotion within the Senate, Robb propelled her repulsorpod forward and asserted that the Republic was obligated to halt the Confederacy's advance and secure Scipio. Despite deviating from her typically pacifistic stance at the outset of the Clone Wars, Robb remained resolute in her demand for a counterattack, a position that garnered substantial support from her colleagues, with Tills and Mot-Not-Rab expressing their agreement. Adhering to the consensus of the Senate, Palpatine proclaimed that the Republic would initiate a "mercy mission" to Scipio, a decision that Robb greeted with enthusiastic applause. Acting upon Palpatine's directives, a Republic fleet commanded by General Skywalker was dispatched to Scipio.

Instead of engaging in combat, Dooku's orbital blockade retreated from Scipio, abandoning their remaining forces on the planet's surface. As Skywalker's army successfully liberated Scipio from the remaining Separatist elements, Clovis took his own life. Following the successful military operation and Skywalker's return with the now-liberated Amidala, the Banking Clan's representative, Nix Card, declared before the Senate that the banks held Clovis responsible for their financial instability and formally ceded control of their assets and holdings to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. In response, Palpatine announced his acceptance of the offer, justifying his decision by asserting that it was the Republic's duty to prevent the banks from falling under Separatist control. Palpatine pledged to restore the banks to their previous state once the Clone Wars concluded, a promise that elicited praise from numerous individuals within the chamber, including Robb, who joined the Chancellor in chanting, "Long live the banks."

Legacy and connections

Kin Robb was succeeded as senator of Taris by Tynnra Pamlo during the Imperial Era.

In the aftermath of the banking crisis and the Battle of Scipio, the Clone Wars reached their conclusion with the collapse of the Confederate leadership and the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with Chancellor Palpatine declaring himself Galactic Emperor. This transition was facilitated, in part, by the unwitting senators who granted him progressively greater powers, including Robb, who lacked the foresight to anticipate Palpatine's true intentions when he nationalized the Banking Clan. By 18 BBY, Robb had relinquished her position as the senator representing Taris, which was subsequently assumed by another Tarisian, Tynnra Pamlo, a critic of Emperor Palpatine and his authoritarian governance. As a senator, Pamlo wore a necklace that shared its name with Kin Robb, the Amulet of the Robb. Pamlo served in the Imperial Senate until the congress's dissolution in 1 BBY.

Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War in 5 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, under the leadership of Mon Mothma, achieved victory over the Empire and established the New Republic, complete with a reconstituted Galactic Senate. By 28 ABY, Taris had become a member world of the New Republic and was represented by Andrithal Robb-Voti, who shared her name with her Clone Wars-era predecessor. Similar to Kin Robb, who was once recognized for her vibrant attire, Robb-Voti donned robes of purple, the designated colors for Tarisian administration. Robb-Voti served until the New Republic's destruction in 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Senator Kin Robb of Taris was a tall and dignified politician.

Kin Robb, a human female, possessed dark skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. Standing at an imposing height of 2.0 meters (6 feet, 7 inches), Robb commanded attention and made her presence known throughout her tenure in the Galactic Senate. As the representative of the Tarisian people, Robb championed an egalitarian agenda and tirelessly advocated for the betterment of her world, despite the persistent and significant disparity in wealth between the upper and lower classes. Known for her advocacy of peace, Robb found common ground with like-minded senators such as Padmé Amidala and Onaconda Farr, as well as external leaders such as Duchess Satine Kryze. However, unlike some of her allies, Robb was not a staunch pacifist, although her political leanings tended towards pacifism, and she was generally less outspoken than some. Throughout the Clone Wars, Robb consistently supported those who promoted peace over those who championed the war effort.

Despite her loyalty to the Republic, Robb was among the senators who opposed granting Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers, believing that such measures would only exacerbate the Republic's ongoing conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the final year of the war, Robb continued to voice her disapproval of certain decisions made by Chancellor Palpatine, including his endorsement of Baron Rush Clovis as the new head of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Robb vehemently opposed Clovis's nomination due to his past acts of treason against the Republic, and her disdain for him led her to succumb to anger when the Banking Clan implemented policies under his leadership that resulted in exorbitant interest rates. Unable to discern how the Chancellor had manipulated both the situation and the Senate to his advantage, Robb demanded a Republic invasion of Scipio, which ultimately led to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor assuming control of the Banking Clan's assets.

Skills and abilities

As the Senator of Taris, Kin Robb possessed a comprehensive understanding of legislative matters. She also had the capacity to lead, and was an experienced negotiator and diplomat.


Throughout her political career, Senator Robb wore stylized outfits in varying shades of purple, the color associated with the administrators of her home planet. One such outfit included a blue underskirt, a purple overcoat, a light purple vest, and a tall, deep purple head wrap.

Behind the scenes

Kin Robb made her debut, though unnamed, in the first season finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, entitled "Hostage Crisis," which aired on March 20, 2009, and was directed by Giancarlo Volpe and written by Eoghan Mahony. Robb was first identified by name in the season two episode "Voyage of Temptation," which aired on February 5, 2010.

After appearing in several minor, nonspeaking roles throughout seasons two, three, and five, Robb was given her first speaking role in the season six episode "Crisis at the Heart." Robb's voice was provided by Anna Graves, who also voiced Senator Meena Tills in the same episode and had previously voiced Duchess Satine Kryze earlier in the series.

