The Antilles Intercept represents a flight technique employed by pilots serving the New Republic following the pivotal Battle of Endor. Decades afterward, approximately thirty years later, this maneuver was incorporated into the training regimen for pilots within the Resistance. The name pays tribute to the esteemed pilot Wedge Antilles, a veteran who engaged both the Galactic Empire's initial first and subsequent second Death Stars on behalf of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, ultimately living to fight for its continuation, the New Republic. In the wake of Alderaan's destruction four years prior, aviators assigned to the Temperance battle group received cautions to execute this complex move, in addition to the Dragon Kite and especially the Enlightened Bantha, exclusively in open space.
The first mention of the Antilles Intercept occurred within Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a compendium authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released in 2015.