
Arakurth, a species of colossal worm, possessed three claw-shaped teeth that extended from their mouth. Their homeworld was the green gas cloud located within the Typhonic Nebula. During the year 35 ABY, Poe Dameron, a pilot, executed a hyperspace skip with the Millennium Falcon, a YT-1300 light freighter, into the Megafauna Chasm within the nebula, where they encountered an arakurth. Although the Falcon successfully evaded the worm, two TIE/wi Interceptors from the First Order that were chasing the freighter crashed into the massive creature.

Biology and appearance

Within the Mid Rim, the green gas cloud of the Typhonic Nebula served as the homeworld for the arakurth, a monstrous type of space [worm](/article/worm]. These enormous beings reached lengths exceeding four hundred meters (1,312 feet), and they had a gaping mouth lined with teeth, including three larger, claw-like teeth that jutted out in a triangular arrangement. Their skin was a bumpy, brown texture, with folds surrounding their mouth.


An arakurth tried to ingest the Millennium Falcon in Megafauna Chasm.

Arakurth populated the atmosphere of the Megafauna Chasm within the nebula, representing a significant danger to any starship that dared to enter, practically guaranteeing death for those who crossed their path. The chasm got its name from the circulating rumors of these gigantic worms patrolling the area.

During 35 ABY, Poe Dameron, while being pursued by a pair of TIE/wi Interceptors from the First Order, initiated a hyperspace skip with the Millennium Falcon, a YT-1300 light freighter belonging to the Resistance, placing them near an arakurth within the chasm. The worm opened its massive mouth directly in their flight path, intending to swallow them whole. However, just before the ship was consumed, Dameron executed another skip, while Klaud, the Trodatome within the Falcon's cockpit, screamed at the sight of the approaching monster. Unable to avoid the creature, the two TIE fighters collided with the arakurth's gaping maw, crashing down its throat before exploding. The worm then bellowed and plunged into the depths of the gas.

Behind the scenes

A LEGO arakurth

The arakurth made its initial appearance in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, a sequel trilogy film released in 2019. Although the creature remained unnamed in the film, it was given the designation in Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, a reference book from 2024.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, a non-canon video game released in 2022, an arakurth is featured during the Episode IX segment, mirroring the events depicted in the film. Following the Falcon's jump, the game portrays the freighter as arriving in several more locations than in the film, with the ship facing the open mouth of a large creature, reminiscent of the arakurth, in each location. These creatures include an exogorth, a sarlacc, and a rathtar.

