ARC trooper armor was the specialized equipment provided to the Grand Army of the Republic's most skilled ARC troopers. This armor came in at least two distinct forms. The first was the Phase I ARC Trooper Armor, which saw use during the early days of the Clone Wars. It acted as a prototype for the Phase II clone trooper armor, but included enhanced gear and unique design elements. Following the introduction of Phase II armor for standard troopers, the Phase II ARC Trooper Armor was then supplied to ARC troopers.

ARC trooper armor was a kind of clone trooper armor utilized by Advanced Recon Commandos, otherwise known as ARC troopers, throughout the Clone Wars. For a time, the armor worn by ARC troopers was the Phase I ARC Trooper Armor. One version of this armor featured a helmet that was identical to the standard phase I clone trooper armor. However, another iteration of the Phase I kit had a uniquely designed helmet. This helmet retained the sides, back, and fin of the standard phase I helmet, but the front was designed to resemble the face of the future phase II clone trooper armor helmet, though with a more triangular shape. Both versions of the Phase I armor included extra gray armor plating in comparison to standard clone armor, a double pauldron, additional equipment, a kama, a rangefinder, ammunition pouches, a backpack, and two blaster holsters.
The ARC trooper armor served as the foundation for the phase II clone trooper armor, which became the standard issue armor for all clone troopers later in the Clone Wars. As standard clone troopers began using their new armor, ARC troopers also transitioned to a different set of equipment, the Phase II ARC Trooper Armor, which bore a strong resemblance to the standard clone armor.

Several Advanced Recon Commandos belonging to Rancor Battalion made use of ARC trooper armor, including Clone Commander Colt, Clone Commander Havoc, Clone Commander Blitz, and Clone Commander [Hammer](/article/hammer_(arc_trooper)]. ARC troopers Fives and Echo wore Phase I ARC armor after they were promoted, with Fives eventually switching to Phase II. As an ARC trooper, Jesse utilized ARC armor during the Battle of Anaxes.
Prior to a patch, the Star Wars Battlefront II video game erroneously portrayed/labeled Phase I ARC trooper armor as Phase II armor.