Ardent-class fast frigate

The Ardent-class fast frigate, a warship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, served both the Fel Empire and the Galactic Empire of Darth Krayt.


The Ardent-class seen from above.

The Ardent-class frigate's length was approximately a quarter of that of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers. They were built prioritizing rapid response capabilities, thus compromising on both armor and shielding in favor of enhanced speed and increased armament.

This class of vessel featured an elevated bridge structure along with a trio of ion drives. They also accommodated Nune-class Imperial shuttles. The ships, with their arrowhead shape, bore a resemblance to the older Acclamator-class vessels from a century prior.

The placement of the frigate's weaponry echoed designs of the past, with turbolaser batteries positioned on either side of the raised section.

Operational Use

These fast frigates functioned as rapid-assault vehicles. A typical Imperial strategy involved deploying multiple Ardent-class frigates to infiltrate enemy picket lines, targeting vulnerabilities and creating openings for other warships. Their survival depended on their formidable shields. However, due to their aggressive tactics, they sustained more damage compared to other ships in the fleet.

Historical Information

An Ardent-class frigate

Construction of the Ardent-class occurred several years prior to the Sith–Imperial War. They were utilized to lead military offensives, and many officers achieved renown through commanding these ships.

In 137 ABY, an Ardent-class frigate transported Captain Mingo Bovark, a loyalist of Roan Fel, to the Wheel for a meeting with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet.

The Outer Rim Third Fleet included at least nine Ardent-class frigates. Among these were the Ironstar and the Verpine.

During the Second Imperial Civil War, the Ardent-class frigate Steadfast, part of the Coruscant Third Fleet under the command of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, participated in the Battle of Ralltiir. Under the command of Captain Vaclen Tor, the frigate became the sole Sith vessel to survive the engagement. Subsequently, the Galactic Alliance Remnant seized the ship and presented it to the Empire-in-exile as a gift for Emperor Roan Fel.

Admiral Krion Grail commanded the First Coruscant Task Force, which consisted of five Ardent-class frigates. The Marauder served as its flagship. Captured Ardents were also used by the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the conflict. These ships were marked with the Alliance symbol on their upper hulls.

Known ships

