Ares Nune was a Jedi Master within the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and Nune was a Force-sensitive individual who served the Jedi during this time. In 22 BBY, following a series of attacks where Republic fleets were decimated by the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser known as Malevolence, Jedi General Plo Koon tasked Master Nune with finding and destroying the dangerous warship. To accomplish this, Nune was given a task force consisting of three Venator-class Star Destroyers.
While traversing the Inner Rim Territories in the Phu system, however, Nune and his task force were ambushed by the Malevolence. Subsequently, Grievous's dreadnought jammed Nune's communications and unleashed a devastating barrage upon the task force. This attack led to the death of the Jedi Master, along with all the Republic personnel under his command.

Within Star Wars canon, the initial mention of Ares Nune occurred in the German edition of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, specifically in the forty-third issue, which was released around October 28, 2015. Conversely, in the Star Wars Legends timeline, Nune debuted in The Clone Wars: Shakedown, a Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic written by Pablo Hidalgo. This webcomic served as the second installment and was made available on October 2, 2008.