
Arrgaw, situated in the Kira sector of the Expansion Region, was a significant planet for trade activities. This world, orbited by notable trade rings and characterized by extensive warehouses and corporate buildings covering its surface, was strategically positioned at the convergence of the Hydian Way and the Harrin Trade Corridor, two crucial hyperlanes.

Arrgaw's advantageous location during the Alsakan Conflicts enabled it to evolve into a vital trade hub, providing support for the widespread settlement of the Trailing Sectors. Millennia later, this planet was recognized as one of the Expansion Region's most affluent worlds. Furthermore, Arrgaw's refineries were instrumental in processing the highly volatile nova crystals, which formed the basis for much of the hard currency utilized by the New Republic.


The planet known as Arrgaw resided in the star system bearing the same name. It was a component of the Kira sector and was situated within the Trailing Sectors area of the Expansion Region.

Arrgaw held a strategically important position in space because it was located where the significant Harrin Trade Corridor hyperlane intersected with the super-hyperroute referred to as the Hydian Way. The Hydian Way provided a connection between the planet and the Pax system in the Kira sector's vicinity, as well as the Ramordia system within the Majoor sector.

The Lazerian system in the Kira sector was linked to Arrgaw by the Harrin Trade Corridor, as was the Jurzan system, which was located in the eponymous sector. A starship equipped with a Class 1 hyperdrive could travel from Arrgaw to the Lazerian system in twenty-three hours, while a journey to the Lohopa system, situated further along the Trade Corridor in the Boeus sector, would take three days and five hours.


Following the beginning of the Alsakan Conflicts around 17,018 BBY, which affected the entire galaxy, Arrgaw, as one of the eleven principal trading hubs on the Harrin Trade Corridor, acted as a pivotal world supporting the active settlement of the Trailing Sectors portion of the Expansion Region. The short route known as the Kira Run was established, eventually connecting the planet's economy, along with that of the other Harrin trade worlds, to the major Enarc Run hyperlane.

Arrgaw occupied a strategic position in the Trailing Sectors portion of the Expansion Region.

Millennia later, during the time of the Galactic Empire, Arrgaw remained a powerful trade world and was regarded as one of the wealthiest planets throughout the Expansion Region. A considerable amount of the Trailing Sectors' wealth was linked to Arrgaw and was under the control of Corellians, natives of Corellia, a Core World.

After the New Republic was established in 4 ABY, Arrgaw continued to play a significant role in the galactic economy. Nova crystals, a type of mineral mined on the warm Mid Rim planet Krann, were the foundation for a large portion of the New Republic's hard currency. Because the heat-sensitive crystals were unstable and highly explosive, they needed to be transportation offworld to Arrgaw, where they could be processed for safe fiscal use.


Arrgaw's surface was largely covered by a sprawling expanse of warehouses and corporate administrative spires. However, the trade rings in Arrgaw's orbit were more impressive than the planet's surface features and had become well-known by the time of the Galactic Empire. Arrgaw also housed refineries that were used to bond nova crystals to inert trace elements, which stabilized the crystals.

Behind the scenes

Arrgaw was initially mentioned in "For a Few Kilotons More," a Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game adventure that Michael Horne wrote and West End Games published in the 1993 book Twin Stars of Kira.

The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Arrgaw system, and therefore Arrgaw itself, in grid square N-15. Although the system was also depicted on a map in the book, it was placed in square N-16. The Online Companion to The Essential Atlas later verified that the system was located in grid square N-16.

