
Asera, a Rekk female, held the position of chancellor for her entire species. The Galactic Empire placed her under imprisoned, leading to Jaxxon's hiring for a rescue mission. The smuggler Jaxxon, unfortunately, suffered capture and imprisonment as well, but Lando Calrissian came to his aid by responding to Jaxxon's distress signal, leading to his rescue. Asera's freedom followed, and she explained to them that her people were unmotivated to resist without their revered Totem of Saglanost, a relic seized by the Empire and secured within the Palpatine Archive. Upon their return to the New Republic, Calrissian, Jaxxon, and Asera located the totem, and they proceeded to infiltrate the Palpatine Archive to retrieve it. The Rekk, now in possession of their totem, engaged the Empire in battle, successfully expelling them from Rekkana.

