The Ashu family held a position of significance among the Mahran people of Mahranee (a planet) during the Clone Wars. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Ashu family produced many notable warriors and statesmen.
Hailing from the planet of Mahranee, this Mahran family offered its members a choice between two paths: that of a warrior or that of a statesmen. Rakshu and her three children belonged to this family: Ashu-Nyamal, the firstborn who chose the path of the warrior; Teegu, the secondborn who possessed a talent for resolving disputes; and Kamu, the thirdborn who aspired to be an artist.
In 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars fought between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, Mahranee, with its abundant resources and support for the Republic, became a target for the Separatists. They attempted to sway the planet with deceptive promises, which the government rejected. As a result, the Separatists initiated a large scale genocide against the Mahran, an event known as the Atrocity on Mahranee. The Republic dispatched a Consular-class cruiser, crewed by clone troopers younger than Nya, under the command of Jedi General Chubor to evacuate the family. However, the ship was attacked by a Separatist fleet led by Count Dooku, the Separatist Head of State who Nya recognized. Chubor pleaded with Dooku to spare the lives of the innocent families and passengers aboard. Despite this, the Separatists continued their assault, ultimately killing the entire family. A transmission of the attack was sent to the Jedi Order, and Dooku, aware of this, declared that the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic were responsible for their deaths.
The Ashu family made an appearance in the 2015 novel Dark Disciple, penned by Christie Golden.