AT-RT clone pilots, also known as AT-RT drivers, were specialized clone trooper pilots within the Grand Army of the Republic. These pilots excelled in ground reconnaissance operations, skillfully maneuvering the two-legged All Terrain Recon Transport, from which their designation was derived. Distinguished by their customized clone armor and distinctive helmets, AT-RT drivers actively participated in the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Designated as AT-RT clone pilots or AT-RT drivers, the Grand Army of the Republic's personnel were clone trooper pilots who underwent specialized training. Their expertise encompassed scouting missions, proficiency with sniper rifle weapons, and the operation of the All Terrain Recon Transport, a bipedal reconnaissance walker constructed by Kuat Drive Yards, a vehicle that lent its name to these pilots. Recognized as elite troopers, AT-RT drivers also received specialized conditioning to operate effectively in swampy and humid terrains.

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, clone AT-RT drivers were frequently involved in reconnaissance and provided support to infantry operations. They aided clone recon patrols in regions characterized by perilous jungle environments. The Republic also utilized AT-RT drivers to ensure a steady stream of situational updates and data flowed back to Forward Command Centers. Furthermore, in the aftermath of battles, AT-RT pilots conducted battlefield assessments to guide clone trooper medics to injured soldiers, retrieve equipment, capture prisoners, and eliminate any remaining battle droids. While known for operating the AT-RT, these pilots also participated in scouting missions independent of their walkers.
Several units employed AT-RT drivers, notably the 41st Elite Legion—whose drivers were considered among the most skilled, Green Company, the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, Lightning Squadron, the 212th Attack Battalion, and the 442nd Siege Battalion.

AT-RT drivers were equipped with altered clone trooper armor, featuring reduced shoulder pads and a specialized helmet. The helmet, visually distinct from standard clone helmets, incorporated a protruding, enhanced long-range comlink, enabling pilots to operate independently from their AT-RT. Unlike the standard clone helmet's single T-shaped visor, the AT-RT driver's helmet featured two visors, one for each eye.
Scouting AT-RT drivers sometimes wore lifeform scanners attached to their chest plates. These scanners were circular and metallic, featuring a central red sensor. The standard armor color was white, but it could be customized to reflect unit affiliation. The 212th Attack Battalion's AT-RT drivers used orange markings, while the 41st Elite Legion's drivers used green and brown camouflage patterns on their armor. Advanced Recon Commando heavy gunners utilized modified AT-RT driver armor to facilitate the operation of their reciprocating quad blasters.

As their designation suggests, AT-RT drivers primarily utilized the All Terrain Recon Transport as their vehicle and weapon of choice during the Clone Wars. Although the AT-RT was their main vehicle, they also employed other vehicles, such as the Republic fighter tank.
When operating outside their AT-RTs, drivers employed a diverse range of weapons during combat. Their primary armaments included the DC-15A blaster rifle and the DC-15S blaster carbine, which could be stored at the rear of the AT-RT when not in use, along with a small supply of V-1 thermal detonators. AT-RT pilots developed expertise with sniper rifles during their scouting training, frequently using the DC-15x sniper rifle during missions. Certain AT-RT drivers also employed heavier weapons, including the PLX-1 portable missile launcher, favored by those with a preference for explosive firepower. Some AT-RT drivers also carried a large weapon that was slung across their backs when not actively used.

AT-RT drivers saw combat as early as 21 BBY, during the Battle of Rishi, engaging the Confederacy's Geonosian forces. In this battle, a single AT-RT driver was deployed alongside Green Company to recapture the planet's exonium mines. AT-RT drivers later participated in the Battle of Kashyyyk in 19 BBY, serving under the 9th Assault Corps' 41st Elite Legion and the 91st Recon Corps' Lightning Squadron. AT-RT pilots were also involved in the Battle of Utapau, led by High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as the Battle of Cato Neimodia, and the Invasion of Tatooine.

Following the implementation of Order 66 by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in 19 BBY, clone AT-RT drivers carried out the order on Cato Neimoidia, assisting in the death of Jedi General Ferroda. Some AT-RT drivers were also present at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during Operation: Knightfall, participating in the slaughter of Jedi alongside the 501st Legion and Darth Vader. During Order 66, clone AT-RT drivers also directly participated in the execution of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli on Kashyyyk. After the order, AT-RT pilots continued to assist in hunting down surviving Wookiees and Jedi on the planet, including Jedi Master Yoda, who evaded their searches and escaped off-world.
Between 17 BBY and 15 BBY, subsequent to the rise of the Galactic Empire, the now-Imperial AT-RT drivers participated in the Invasion of Dantooine, an operation designed to locate and eliminate the fugitive Falon Grey during the Great Jedi Purge.
AT-RT drivers initially appeared, though unnamed, in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, a 2005 motion picture written and directed by George Lucas. Their identification was later provided in Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, a reference book authored by Trisha Biggar and published in the same year by Abrams Books.